Back to Windows heaven erm 7


Sep 13, 2008
So after having used Widowsn10 a couple of years and constantly waiting for some reason to pop up to keep using it i finally reinstalled Windows 7 and what i joy for me.
i am so far not missing anything from win10 but a blessed with getting the missing features form win7 back

1: control over my system.. despite doing a lot of update... ALL MY SETTINGS ARE STILL AS I SET THEM
this alone is a huge bonus for me

2: i do a lot of work with system files as a computer tinkering is a strong passion of me. not having to deal with admin right not being default in my CMD windows is a rally nice thing for me. makes a lot of my testing a lot faster

3: calculator is faster. now i only need a single click of enter to get the results

3b: calculator if faster as i can i have all my needed features I need in scientific mode. In win10 scientific has reduced features and I had to switch back and forth between scientific and programmer.

4: all my freaking settings are in one place.. again a huge bonus for me who tinkers a lot with the system

5: Faster to move windows around. the thicker sides of a windows make it easier to move and resize Windows for me on high res monitor

6: it doesn't look so freaking dull but i guess that just a taste issues and also no annoying blue lines in my taskbar.

All in all I've been using windows 01 for years on my main machine as a soon is i reinstalled windows 7 everything just seems more logical layout of things and less of an chaotic clutter .
heck i been using classic start menu on win10 but still there is so much random places to do stuff. win7 are just in my eyes soo much more stream aligned user wise.
Win10 seems like its something that half ways through a transform state from one design to another and then just got release before it was done.

I don't game a lot of newer games so i will happily sacrifice DX12 for for in my eyes is just a much more smoother environment to work in.

Flame one. i don't care. gave win10 years and still prefer win7 all over.
Now just crossing my fingers Vulcan vill be a huge success and dethrone dx12... guy gotta dream right :D
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I didn't like the UI change to Win10 when I first tried it but after a few weeks, I actually prefer it to Win7.

My installs were upgrades from 7, which both were installed in 2009 and never had any issues.


oh yeah my other issues wih win10 accessing that add/remove settings ( Because tere is still the old one) it doesnt start by searching. so on WIN10 you have an extra click you need to make for no apparent reason.

onething I do slightly miss is that bitlocker encryptions is not available in pro version... it is not in win7 :(