Automatic force shutdown Win7 x64 HomePrem


Dec 25, 2004
Sometimes when I or another program shutdowns my laptop the OS is still waiting for Firefox or another program to close which keep the PC on for X amount of time until I force shutdown myself.

Is there a way to have Windows 7 do a Force kill whatever hanging?

I don't really want to do a shortcut shutdown(shutdown /f /s /t 0) and I edited the REG to shorten the kill timer from 12 to 5 seconds.

1.Click start and type “regedit” and make sure you run registry editor as administrator.

2.Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control and double click WaitToKillServiceTimeout entry on the right side and enter its value as 5000 (5 seconds ) or to lower to that.

3.Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop , on the right pane create new string value named WaitToKillAppTimeout and give its value as 5000.If that string already exists then double click it and enter its value as 5000 or lower to that.

Don’t enter too lower values you at least need to give some chance for programs to close.

Restart your Computer for changes to take affect and you will observe definite speed in Windows 7 shutdown next time.

I have no worries going in the REG to edit things but ever since Win7 it like how many times do I have to tell the OS to shutdown. *shutdown... OS: are you sure? *force shutdown... OS: if u do u might lose unsaved crap, r u sure? *fucking yes damn it! OS: mkay, nite nite. *facepalm.

thx, d.
it will typically do a force kill on its own after a 30-40 seconds. but no matter what it will hang on firefox due to firefox asking you if you really want to close firefox. if you uncheck the box when it asks you if you want to close it next time you close firefox. that problem will go away. luckly chrome doesn't have this issue and automatically saves all the tabs without asking you to do it.

and yes its a pain in the ass with it always asking to shut down. but remember 99% of the people using the same OS have no friggin clue what the hell they are doing.
it will typically do a force kill on its own after a 30-40 seconds. but no matter what it will hang on firefox due to firefox asking you if you really want to close firefox. if you uncheck the box when it asks you if you want to close it next time you close firefox. that problem will go away. luckly chrome doesn't have this issue and automatically saves all the tabs without asking you to do it.

and yes its a pain in the ass with it always asking to shut down. but remember 99% of the people using the same OS have no friggin clue what the hell they are doing.

Thanks, haven't thought about the multi tab warning for FF. Also its odd that if you have more than one window for FF it will ask before it closes but not for a single window.

And the 99% people is QFT...:)
FF is still keeping system from restarting/shutdown.

Anyway to edit REG to force kill any hanging app?