Auto switching (crossover/patch) NIC?


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2004
Hey, I tried searching but didn't really know how to word the search.

On my old motherboard, which had two nics, I was able to plug one of them directly into another computer without using a crossover cable. But the other one did not do this.
What is this feature called where it can switch the wiring in the computer from patch to crossover?

I have had to use it in the past to transfer large files from one computer to another (both computers had gigabit but the hub was only 10) and it worked fine as I recall. But I have asked a few people at work and they have never heard of this before so I was just curious. Thanks
I'm not sure if this is the official name, but I've always heard it called auto-mdix.
Auto MDIX is correct. Pretty rare on 10/100 cards, but it's part of the design of GigE cards.
Wow thanks, just what I wanted to know.

Im suprised I hadn't heard of that term advertised before; I usually like to think I stay on top of newer stuff like that
It's more common to find the auto mdix feature on 10/100 switches than on the cards themselves.
Yep, Auto MDI/X...have it on my GigE switch and all GigE cards.

I thought it came with everything, heh.