Auto fill in address bar? Clear all?


May 29, 2000
I am wanting to clear all of the address that pop up when I type, www.a.... it will automatically start giving a list of sites, like www.autozone, www.alpahebet etc, even if I clear history, it will delete the history in the drop down but still prompt for sites that I have visited for auto fill. how do I stop this?

Many thanks.
Right off, don't know a way to clear them completely. But here's a few thoughts:

In IE, Tools - Options - Content - AutoComplete - clear the Web address check box; then they shouldn't come up at all any more. You can also try the clear forms button here to see if that helps.


edit: late on the draw again!
If you just want to wipeout what is there, clear your history. That will erase everything from the dropdown menu as well.
If you want it to stop the autocomplete, follow versello's instructions.