Attn: all super network gurus, having trouble


Jan 8, 2002
Having some network issues....well my school is.......

machines in this class are able to pull stuff down from the server, we cant though, for some reason, save things to our docs, we've tried switching vlans, switches, fiber, everything.....its all perfect, but the machines just suddenly dont work.....around december they just stopped being able to save.......we can ping the server, and we can make a connection, so we have a temp fix of running a crossover cable from our switch to another rooms switch, but we need to fix this....any ideas????????
any ideas????????

Yeah - why the hell are you looking at hardware fixes when "I can read the file but not save changes to it" is almost certainly a file/folder/user accounts permissions issue?

- Qualm
it only does it in this room, if we move the machines to another room, or another vlan it works fine.............we're just starting at the bottom and working our way only a student, just trying to help my tech guys out
It's still a permissions issue, NOT a hardware issue. There is no such thing (in my experience) as a machine being able to read files but not write to them for "hardware" reasons.

I can only imagine that someone, somewhere, tried to "enhance" security by saying "ok these machines/IPs/subnets can't save files" ... find who and what they did and you should have your solution.

- Qualm
Gotta agree with Qualm here, it's definitely a permissions issue. Maybe your usergroup/computers doesn't have access to write?