AtiTool Logo Competition Final Round!

Borgschulze said:
I like number 5 the best, but I would prefer something with ATi's cool packaging font.

Cool. Did you vote? ;) BTW, thats ati's OLD logo/font. I like it better. :)
Borgschulze said:
GPUs have pins too.. if you can get them off the board safely.

None the less, thats a CPU in his logo.. or to me that's what it looks like

EDIT: Looks like a socket 939 chip to me :D
Yes you have to sign up to vote... but I dont think you have to validate your email to vote, so itll only take like 20 seconds. :) You only have to validate to post.
I must say that I really like the simple and concise look of number 12. I would be able to immediately recognize it as a product representing ATI, and I don't have to strain my eyes or tilt my head to read that it's "ATI Tool" like I have to do with number 2.

Number 5 is definitely, artistically, the most intuitive one IMO. However, I feel that most people associate ATI with the color red, and seeing its name in green text might hinder the "easy perception" of what the logo is trying to represent. However, I wouldn't know how to fix this issue without destroying the artistic content of the creator's idea. If this had been "Nvidia Tool", on the other hand, the logo would be sheer brilliance.

In the end, my vote goes to #12.