ATI - Reality check


Aug 9, 2004
This is from the rage3d chat:

Q: I was wondering if ATI could describe their roadmap for improving the Linux drivers? Everyone can agree that they are woefully behind nvidia's offering.
ATI: Everyone can agree with that? I fear I can't agree with that in the least bit. In fact I want to leave Linux out of this chat, and we will have our next IRC chat all on Linux in about a month or so.

Uhm, reality check, your PERFORMANCE is woefully behind nVidia's. To not believe that is a delusion, a sign of a serious mental illness that you might seek treatment for.
Well, I haven't tried to be honest. From what I have seen and heard though, there drivers not only don't have near the proformance, but they also SCREW UP 3/4 of the time. Heck, I remeber seeing a screen shot from some one using there official drivers playing UT2004, and there screen looked like triangles protruding from the center out, in various colors.
Yeah, common problem. Although I think they fixed it for the most part in the 3.9's and the 3.11's. Their latest release though actually decreased performance in ut2k4.
they still have not addressed the texture cancer issue.

That quote pisses me off to no end. hey Mr. ATI guy, your linux drivers SUCK. Period, end of story, no argument.

Obviously, he's a Windows user :rolleyes:
yeah ati lacks some performance etc but at least they have superior 2d quality over nvidia.
and as far i see, ati isnt that bad in helping oss-devs out.
nvidia is at this point far less oss-friendly.

and btw, after spending too much time on my radeon i really cant complain about
hardware accelleration and stability. and dont get crazy about glxgears.
its no benchmark.. just a toy which has nothing to say.
after reading some glxgears outputs of some people i thought i just should start to cry but i play all relevant games with fine fps.
Well, for one, Ati is using a packaging system that isn't universal, which means its a PITA to install there drivers on any thing other then what the package it for. I personally haven't had a chance to try them out though, as I just stick with Nvidia. I know there drivers have problems as well, but I have been lucky enough to never have a problem with them.
tazio said:
yeah ati lacks some performance etc but at least they have superior 2d quality over nvidia.
and as far i see, ati isnt that bad in helping oss-devs out.
nvidia is at this point far less oss-friendly.

and btw, after spending too much time on my radeon i really cant complain about
hardware accelleration and stability. and dont get crazy about glxgears.
its no benchmark.. just a toy which has nothing to say.
after reading some glxgears outputs of some people i thought i just should start to cry but i play all relevant games with fine fps.

Forget glxgears benchmarks, look at ut2k4 performance, or rtcw:et, or pretty much ANY OGL app and then look at how a GeForce4 runs it.

You're missin out bud.

How did Morpheus put it? "If all you've ever known is the dream world, then how would you tell what was real, and just a dream?"
I'm going to have to agree that ATI has screwed up here. For a long time their customers have been complaining, and they just keep answering that they are working on it, but stability comes first. Uhm, correct me if I'm wrong, but, aren't the nVidia drivers quite stable? Well, I've made a complete mess of my installation, and the display drivers are stable. Nothing else is, but, they are. d-: Not to mention the speed differences...

It's quite simple. They think that they loose more money pumping a bunch into supporting an OS that I'll bet none of them use than through all the customers who send back their cards only because of this reason -- they don't think to calculate the number who just don't buy ATI to begin with because of this I'll bet you.

BTW, I'm not just talking out of my rear here. I had a Radeon 9600 Pro which I rather liked until just recently when things like Doom 3 started making me decide it's finally time to upgrade (well, that and a little help from some lightning......) I spent hours upon hours and eventually just gave up trying to even get it to work in linux. Took me 5 minutes to install the nVidia drivers just recently, and it would have been less time, but it took me a few minutes to figure out that you had to manually modify the X configuration file to use the new driver.