ATI / Nvidia and Linux

The rage3d server is too busy at the moment, but could you summarize it without any inflammatory remarks please?
I read it while it was up.. it was basicallly an interview asking ATI about their linux drivers and future features.. and ATI's answers most of the time were like "we only put forth as much effort as the market demands"... "No, we will not / do not support this / that at this time"..."we are focus on stability and not performace"
As in, nVidia has better Linux support than ATi?

No shit...tell us something we don't know, I don't need to read articles to clue me into that. ;)

I have two linux has an ATi card, the other nVidia...I hate the ATi box, it's like pulling teeth with most distros, trying to get X to work...the card is going bye bye very soon :)
I can honestly say I have not had a hard time getting X to work or start with ATI drivers... And I am not talking about using red hat.. I use slackware and gentoo. I usually get them working just fine on the first try..

but it is the driver that sucks.. IMO.. not just the install. I couldn't even play ut2k4 because there are crazy light flickers everywhere. AND no official support is lame.
Well also look at their comment on the composite extension, never going to support it basically.

nVidia had support for composite ages ago. Also look at nVidia's and ATI's remarks about "marketshare". nVidia ignores "marketshare" and refers to what they are selling. Their estimate is %25 of their workstation market.

This tells me that, ATI has NO Linux market, and nVidia is seeing substantial revenue from it. There can be only one reason for this, and it's that ATI is choosing to ignore it. I guess this will just continue to nVidia's benefit, if I were working for nVidia right now I'd be laughing my ass off over this.
All of my FreeBSD (I don't have any Linux boxes, and probably won't ever have another one at home...) boxes get newer NVIDIA cards if I have to buy a video card for them. Why? Cause NVIDIA releases FreeBSD drivers. ATI doesn't bother. The open-source DRI stuff does nicely for the older cards (9200 and under), which I have a few of and continue to use, but I won't buy any newer ATI cards for FreeBSD boxes...Not until they give me a reason to.
True, so true.

I just look at ATI and I see stupidity in this. If nVidia is seeing %25 of their workstation chips going to Linux that's HUGE incentive to have and support fantastic drivers.

Look at nVidia's revenues, and that size of their workstation market being Linux pays for probably a rather huge team of JUST Linux developers.