AT&T Uverse dropping during torrents


Oct 1, 2008
Right now I switched from time warner to Uverse but it came with a 2wire 3800HGV-B Residential Gateway which is a modem and router built into one. The problem is if I am using bit torrent, the connection will come to a crawl and will even drop during slow download/upload speeds. I am pretty sure it is because the built in router sucks and I didn't have problems with time warner and a linksys but I do not have the linksys at the moment to test on.

My question is if I use a different router in this guide , will it do anything since it still has to pass through the 2wire gateway?
What your max connection set to in your torrent program? Have you tried lowering the number of max connection to see if it is your 2wire router?

I know i choked mine out before and internet browsing did come to a crawl. So i lowered it and it speed up
My max connections is at 300 for global and 100 for each torrent. What I really want to know is if i use a linksys (for example) will I be able to maintain my old settings of high connections through the 2wire.

I have a feeling that it wont matter even if the linksys can handle it since it still has to go through the 2wire. Any insights?
When the connection gets "dropped" if the router lights turn red on your piece of shit gateway (I know, my grandparents have it and that gateway/router sucks), you are probably getting filtered.
Try dropping the max connections to 100 and 50/torrent. then make sure that you limit upload speed to make sure it is below your max upload limit by about 20 kb/s.
From all the looking around that I've done...that model of 2Wire cannot be reconfigured to be a pure bridged modem, so it's stuck being your edge router. That means no matter what you use for your own router, the bottleneck is still the 2Wire. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link!"

The 2Wires are notorious for not handling a lot of concurrent P2P/torrent traffic will being them to their knees.