asus x800xt problem


Oct 13, 2005
Awhile back I was playing fable.. and notice the colour were messing up on the screen so i restart, window loaded but the colour were all different.. the blue was greenish and such.. I turned off my computer and turn it on after 1 min and the problem went away.

A month later (which is today), I started playing FEAR. I ran the test demo and notice the shadow were bluish around the edges. I check the FEAR's settings and changed it to a lower setting but the blue shadow was still in the demo. I restarted my computer again and notice the same problem with the color being mess up in the desktop and log screen.

the video card has never been oc...

Is this a graphic problem? Do I need to RMA?

Yes, RMA it.
Its not worth going through the hassle of trying to fix a dud card.. Just send it back and get a brand new FULLY FUNCTIONAL card.