Asus RT-N66R Writing to HDD


Aug 24, 2011
Hey guys - I am hoping someone here has experience with the ASUS RT-N66R router.

Its been working great, but I can't seem to figure out how to WRITE to an HDD that is attached to it.

I take lots of pictures and what I have to do now is unplug the HDD, plug it into my comp and move pictures/movies over to the HDD and then plug it back to the router. I am then able to share the router with everything in my network - so all the tablets/computers have access to the media in the hdd.

Is there any way that I am able to WRITE to the HDD from my comp as it is attached to the router? I would love to be able to just click and drag over to the folder located in the HDD, but I don't know if this is the correct way to go about it or what settings I need to mess with.

Thanks for looking, and don't mind my noobness.
It does show up as a network device. However I cannot drag and drop items in it..
yes I have, simply set it to ON position - but still nothing. I am not able to write anything onto the drive itself while it is connected to the router.
So when you go under "Network" on your Windows machine, what do you see? Can you see the share? You might have to go to "Computer" / "This PC" and Map Network Drive > find the drive on your network > add it, etc.