Asus RT-AC66U?



I recently set up an Asus RT-AC66U for a friend and have noticed that from time to time the router will crash and reboot. It is running the latest firmware ( running a mostly stock configuration (with exception to the guest wifi networks) and at times it just crashes and reboots on its own. Has anyone seen this happening with the RT-AC66U? If so, what was the root cause?
Thermal issues? Any rattles when shaken? Loose heat sink/s? --------- scratch this one, just seen some pics, it's one big heat sink inside...

Are the antennae securely connected? Have seen RF do some funny things...

Power issues? Is the router on a ups? What about a surge protector?

What about the wall wart for the router? U have a spare to try? Might be dying slowly...?

Just a few things to try...
Thermal issues? Any rattles when shaken? Loose heat sink/s? --------- scratch this one, just seen some pics, it's one big heat sink inside...

Are the antennae securely connected? Have seen RF do some funny things...

Power issues? Is the router on a ups? What about a surge protector?

What about the wall wart for the router? U have a spare to try? Might be dying slowly...?

Just a few things to try...

All 3 antennas securely attached. Router is plugged in to a Tripplite Isobar powerstrip.

Wall wart? What is that?
The power supply, commonly called wall wart as it is reputed to resemble a wart.... on a wall....:D
Ah, that makes perfect sense :). The power supply is integrated with the plug so it sets directly on top of the powerstrip. It is cool to the touch.
See if you have a spare similar rating one to try, just to eliminate it.

Or, if you bought the router new, RMA that one and get a replacement, unfortunately, even new stuff can have issues, it's not common, but neither is it unheard of.
I was mostly curious if anyone else had this same router and if they ran in to the same trouble. I've done some Googling and am finding that others have this issue but with no actual root cause being pinpointed.
Hmmm that has quite a strong smell of a firmware issue?!?

Try for a newer one, or even an older one? Try to find out from Google which firmware version seems the most stable and try that one.

I'm sure you already know all this in which case forgive me:)