ASUS MS238H Custom Mounting

Jul 23, 2007
I will add some pictures later, but here the forum open to ASUS MS238H owners/ prospective buyers.

Okay, I love this monitor, but here is my main issue: There is a definate color problem from a lower viewing angle. The monitor is choice and the color/ contrast looks amazing from higher or straight on angles, but as soon as you go down a little bit it starts turning YELLOW! Especially a problem because I sit in a la-z-boy at a tall desk. Solution: Build a custom mounting bracket.

I am going to be looking deeper into this in the next couple of weeks. If you own this monitor and are thinking the same thing, feel free to input. I will include any sketches i come up with and I hope others do too.

My goal is to keep it under $20 and maybe some how incorporate a bar speaker or side mount speakers(not included in budget) into the design.
I can't agree more on the color shifting on this LCD. Sure, it uses a twisted nematic (TN) panel but it seems to be more optimized for looks over viewing angle. It was a big mistake for Asus to not include VESA mounting holes but at $200 you can't have everything I guess... I'm interested to see what you can come up with...