Asus maximus fromula II


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2006
I just got my new board today and I am a little confused on the raid setup. The manual list the speeding HDD and how to enable in the bios. So I assume this sets up the raid?
The newegg reviews stated no raid drivers needed.
Well reading further along in the manual it states creating a intel ICH10R raid driver disk.
So do I need this this installing vista ultimate 64 bit?
Complete noob with vista!
no no raid disk is needed for vista.

put the hard drives in the speeding hdd slots and then you can set it up which ever way you feel better about doing it you can either use the speeding hdd or the other sata blocks and use the ICH10R built in controller. Basically its the way you feel most comfortable and ease as they both the do the same thing (only the speeding hdd slots only can do RAID0 or RAID1 i believe) other than that you should be good. =)