ASUS M51Sn-X2 laptop


Mar 25, 2007
So ive been looking around for a laptop and i came across this laptop. Some reviews say it is good for gaming on CSS and COD4 but i would like to research more indepth since i am considering this to eb the one i buy. I was just wanting to know if anyone has this laptop and how it performs. Also if there are any issues you have come across.
Heres the link
9500m gs is pretty decent, can play css and cod4, but probably not at full rez
i have this laptop, it's currently my only pc gaming rig. so far it has been running flawlessly. i do have crysis installed on it, and i ran it for a bit, on medim settings and it ran decently. i do need to do some tweaking tho. just be advised that this laptop has 4gb of ram, but is running vista 32 bit, so you'll only use 3gb. other games i currently have installed are doom3, hl2, and gears of war, all of which run very well.