Asus A8N32-SLI Mouse issue


Limp Gawd
Apr 21, 2001
I recently purchased the motherboard in the subject line and seem to be having an issue with if. For some strange reason "sometimes" the USB mouse is not detected. I then have to unplug and plug the mouse back in. Everything seems to be fine after this point. The mouse is a Diamond Razor.

Has anyone seen this type of issue with this board?

Some troubleshooting I've done.

1. Fresh OS install after i purchased the motherboard
2. Installed SP2
3. made sure the mouse driver was installed
4. Checked Nvidia drives
5. Directx 9.0c
6. ensured no yellow marks were in device manager
7. Verified latest bios

I just changed out the mouse so I'll see how that goes but if anyone has seen this let me know.

Thanks in advance
Haven't seen this issue, but I do have an intresting mouse problem with this motherboard, but I don't think its necessarily a mobo problem.

I picked up a Logitech G7 mouse last week, and for some odd reason, it slows down F.E.A.R. a good 10% on the average frame rate!

When I use my Microsoft Wireless Laser 6000, no problem. I think its a driver issue. I think that your issues is dirver related to.

Are you using the supplied drivers or just the default Windows drivers.

Good luck!
I had a similar issue, I just moved the mouse to a different USB port and the problem went away. Its probably a physical connection issue rather than a software issue.
heatlesssun said:
Haven't seen this issue, but I do have an intresting mouse problem with this motherboard, but I don't think its necessarily a mobo problem.

I picked up a Logitech G7 mouse last week, and for some odd reason, it slows down F.E.A.R. a good 10% on the average frame rate!

When I use my Microsoft Wireless Laser 6000, no problem. I think its a driver issue. I think that your issues is dirver related to.

Are you using the supplied drivers or just the default Windows drivers.

Good luck!

I used both the Microsoft and the driver from the manufacture, same results.

On the last run of screwing around with it, I was loading the mouse drive and i got a BSOD. I then ended up deleting everything USB under device manager.

I really want to lean towards the issue being something driver related but what, I've tried so many different things. Maybe my logitech will behave better.
magoo said:
I had a similar issue, I just moved the mouse to a different USB port and the problem went away. Its probably a physical connection issue rather than a software issue.


I did that but received the same result :(