Are there things you shouldn't sell on eBay?

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Feb 26, 2005
I was trying to find like a list or just someone to say these things cannot be sold on eBay, either due to law or other reasons. What I'm thinking about putting up for auction is medical equipment that has not been used at all and is still packed up. It would be at someones advantage for them to purchase, but I want to know if I can.

Why are you asking here? Ebay has policies on their website... Also the fact that they have a medical subsection might give you a hint. I mean did you even try searching on ebay for what you have!?!?
people have sold their soul's and names on ebay so i think anything is game with ebay
J-Mag said:
Why are you asking here? Ebay has policies on their website... Also the fact that they have a medical subsection might give you a hint. I mean did you even try searching on ebay for what you have!?!?

I've searched and there is someone selling what I want to sell. Then when it comes to the accessories to the item, one of the sells has something about you need to have a prescription to have a need to buy this. I'm guessing he's full of shit because you really don't.
equipment is not software
equipment would be hardware
of course our forum for hardware is limited to computer hardware
Im sure if you try however you could find guidelines and even member assistance at ebay

and of course there are items you can't sell
as regulated by various jurisdictions including ebay's own rules
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