Are all wireless mouse supposed to be sluggish?


Sep 18, 2010
I feel like my wireless logitech M510 is very subpar compared to my $20 Logitech Rx1000
Is it me or is the wireless supposed to be sluggish on games? Or is it because the mouse is heavier?
A lot of wireless mice do lag more than wired mice. Spend a little time going some research in the mouse and keyboard forum: Logitech's G700 is the new favourite, and the Razer Mamba apparently does not have too much perceived lag.
Wireless mice were useless as gaming mice for a very long time, only recently have we seen models available that are any good, even now you need to pick up a good wireless mouse, the Razer Mamba is a fantastic mouse albeit very expensive.
I picked out the Logitech M510
Is that going to be useless? It uses the small RF receiver
I dont know if I should exchange it for the Logitech M500 (wired)
I cant afford a $100 wireless
I tried several wireless mice over the years. Now, I am back to an old school Logitech LX5.
I've wanted to move to a wireless mouse for quite a while but I'm afraid of the lag. Plus, I want something that has a recharge dock so I don't have to worry about batteries.

Lag free + dock = $$.
Wireless will always lag more than wired, it's the nature of the medium. But i imagine someday the lag will be imperceptible, and therefore ignorable. That day maybe today, but i will be sticking with my wired mice for the time being. :)
For the week that I owned it, I never noticed any lag with the Razer Mamba. I went back to a deathadder because of the shape, though.
I used to game with a Logitech MX1000 and now use a Logitech Performance MX which I got from Logitech when I RMA'd my MX1000.

I play mainly FPS games, Counter Strike mostly, and CODMW2, BC2, L4D 1 and 2.
I didn't notice any lag with the MX1000 and don't notice any with the new Performance MX.
I used to game with a Logitech MX1000 and now use a Logitech Performance MX which I got from Logitech when I RMA'd my MX1000.

I play mainly FPS games, Counter Strike mostly, and CODMW2, BC2, L4D 1 and 2.
I didn't notice any lag with the MX1000 and don't notice any with the new Performance MX.

I had an MX1000 and it was great most of the time, but it had an annoying habit of lagging during intense moments in games. It would always be when i was retreating with next to no health, looking for salvation behind a rock a few feet away, then the mouse would lag like crazy with a good 2 or 3 seconds between my moving the mouse and the cursor moving. Not being much of a gamer it didnt really bother me much but it gradually got worse.

Plumped for a wired G500 when i noticed Amazon had it incorrectly priced. £15 delivered. Bargain :D
I had an MX1000 and it was great most of the time, but it had an annoying habit of lagging during intense moments in games. It would always be when i was retreating with next to no health, looking for salvation behind a rock a few feet away, then the mouse would lag like crazy with a good 2 or 3 seconds between my moving the mouse and the cursor moving. Not being much of a gamer it didnt really bother me much but it gradually got worse.

Plumped for a wired G500 when i noticed Amazon had it incorrectly priced. £15 delivered. Bargain :D

I never had that issue with my MX1000's. only issues I've had were the charger contacts on the mouse, the middle click going out, and the mouse doing a double click with a single click.
Wireless will always lag more than wired, it's the nature of the medium. But i imagine someday the lag will be imperceptible, and therefore ignorable. That day maybe today, but i will be sticking with my wired mice for the time being. :)

That day has come. You need to try the G700.

I haven't used a Mamba, but supposedly it is lag-free as well.
Lag-free mice...

Microsoft Sidewinder x8

Logitech G700

I also have the Perfromance MX, MX revolution, and MX1100, and I dont think there is much lag to them either... depends on the type of game I suppose. For FPS's though, the x8 is great if you have larger hands, otherwise the G700 is a sure bet.
I never had that issue with my MX1000's. only issues I've had were the charger contacts on the mouse, the middle click going out, and the mouse doing a double click with a single click.
I was starting to have that same clicking issues with mine. I took it apart and gave the insides a thorough cleaning out a few days ago and so far the problems haven't returned.

The charging contact alignment has always been a problem on mine but I have found a few ways around that as well. One of the things that helped a bit was to bow the copper contacts out a bit from the inside of the mouse while I had it apart. (I used the dull side of a 3/16" drill bit) Just be careful not to poke through the metal. The other thing I did was to cut a piece of thin plastic to use as a spacer between the mouse and the inside front of the cradle. (that stiff plastic that they use on electronics packaging where you have to cut around the edges to get your shit out) It's still not perfect, but way better than it was.
I gamed with a MX1000 for over 2 years and never noticed it lagging, until I bought my G500. It was night and day, almost scary. I too thought that wireless was fine. The truth is, it's not. Wired ftw.
The MX1000 is several years old.

I thought my MX700 set was great too, until I switched back to wired peripherals. But that was in 2004. Things have come a long way since then.

I had an MX 1100 which is not that old, and the lag bothered me enough to switch back. The difference was immediately noticeable.

I now have a G700 and my G500, G5 and G9 are still connected and but a few inches away. Yet I've not had a moment with the G700 that made me want to grab one of them because I was dissatisfied with its performance. I've been using that mouse exclusively without feeling that I'm giving up anything in terms of performance. And I'm pretty picky. If I felt that this mouse wasn't performing on par with a wired mouse, back to Newegg it would go. I didn't pay $100 just to have a few extra buttons...
I went from an MX510 to an MX1000 long ago and have never looked back at wired mice. Since the MX1000 I've used the G7 and now I have a Mamba.

A lot of people are stuck in the mindset that all wireless mice have lag. If you truly are noticing a lag, try a higher quality mouse.
I guess if you get a crap one then maybe. I use a wireless blue track and I have compared that and a logitec laser wired side by side. Blue track was way better. YMMV.
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wrong section, AGAIN ! somebody move it plz :)

On topic : mice like mx1000 have tons of negative acceleration, some of you may feel like they're "just fine" but once you try a wired mouse at 1000hz you really can't go back, 1:1 response is vital too, for example my sens in bc2 is that low ( about a whole zowie G-RF for a 360 turn ) that if i had even the slightest amount of positive /negative acceleration it would screw up my game.
I can vouch for the Mamba having zero lag. It really feels like a wired mouse in that regard.
wrong section, AGAIN ! somebody move it plz :)

On topic : mice like mx1000 have tons of negative acceleration, some of you may feel like they're "just fine" but once you try a wired mouse at 1000hz you really can't go back, 1:1 response is vital too, for example my sens in bc2 is that low ( about a whole zowie G-RF for a 360 turn ) that if i had even the slightest amount of positive /negative acceleration it would screw up my game.

Not the wrong section. If it was, a mod would have moved it way before now. Nuff said. It is called PC gaming and hardware for a reason.
No offense to the guy playing Bad Company 2, but I played UT2k4 with an MX1000 for about two years, and I think it's safe to say that UT requires a greater amount of aiming than Bad Company. I never had an issue and actually played much better than when I had my MX510.

But like I said, there are some people that will always feel the "lag" whether it's there or not.
man mx1000 is stuck @ 125hz, so i practically it handles the same as typical wired mouse, if you don't have any experience with higher polling rates then your argument is pointless, if you were not using a low-ish sens with mouse accel off in ut2k4 then your argument is pointless x2. Obviously you have not used a mouse at a higher than standard polling rate yet nor ever had experienced negative accel due to your high sens, ofcourse ut2k4 requires a greater amount of skill in general compared to a console port.
I'll never get a wireless because I don't want to futz with recharging.... I would like to see a wired version of the G700.... all those buttons intrigue me. I wonder if the thumb buttons get in each other's way though....
Performance MX still works good for me. I guess its been an year now.
man mx1000 is stuck @ 125hz, so i practically it handles the same as typical wired mouse, if you don't have any experience with higher polling rates then your argument is pointless, if you were not using a low-ish sens with mouse accel off in ut2k4 then your argument is pointless x2. Obviously you have not used a mouse at a higher than standard polling rate yet nor ever had experienced negative accel due to your high sens, ofcourse ut2k4 requires a greater amount of skill in general compared to a console port.

Boy you like to assume things. How old are you?

I'll say this - I've been playing UT2k4 since it came out and played competitive instagib, DM, TDM, TAM and even bombing run. I'm no idiot, unlike you seem to think because I OBVIOUSLY have not used a mouse at a high polling rate, despite my Mamba currently being set at 1000hz.

And really, mouse acceleration? For what it's worth, my current 2k4 sensitivity is 0.07.
sensitivity numbers mean jack shit if you don't state cm/360, you should have known that already, and if you think that your mamba is not more responsive than mx1000 at same dpi / 1000hz then good for you. I admire your experience in ut2k4 but slower paced fpss really reward having a low sens, something like 50cm/360 For what it's worth i'm 22
Bit-Tech reviewed the G700 and said it was terrible in wireless mode:

So I'm supposed to disregard my own experience with the mouse, not to mention the other reviews which are overwhelmingly positive as well as the thoughts of other people with this mouse?

I see.

I don't blame you for posting that, but take a look at some other reviews which unanimously agree there is no discernable lag. I'm actually using this mouse on a daily basis and have formed my own opinion of it; that Bit-Tech review doesn't change things for me. Those scores are a lot lower than what the G700 deserves, IMO.
I've owned 3 different MX1000 mice and they all lagged some. I cannot recommend it, personally.

Well, seeing as how i AM a mod in this area, and none of the other mods that police the area have felt the need to move it, that probably means something, no? It's called PC gaming and hardware, and the OP's question was directly related to gaming performance of wireless mice. If you want to mod, ask Kyle. Or hit the report button, that's what it is there for.
Bit-Tech reviewed the G700 and said it was terrible in wireless mode:

I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in those bit-tech mouse reviews. In their prior 'gaming mouse' reviews they are quick to judge... makes me think some hopped-up teenager is writing them after merely viewing them in the local shop, not even opening the box sometimes.

For example:
They say the build quality of the Sharkoon Fireglider is bad. ORLY? Mine is very solid feeling (better than any Razer or Steelseries). They suggested that the build quality is sooo bad that it was the major reason why it tanked the whole review. Hmmm.... I promise you that this is just not the case. Its actually a sweet mouse and feels solid (perhaps the fire graphics make it look cheap, but its not). The Mionix Naos 5000 feels like it will break easily by comparison yet its build quality is a 9!

I also dont see any of the lag or tracking problems that they claim in wireless mode with my G700. I can attach the mouse to another wired one of good make and notice NO lag or errors in its tracking.

The way to test this:
1. a dual mouse cursor utility so you can use two mice at once, each with their own arrow.
2. a CRT
3. a high-speed camera
4. tape the two mice together. Use one wired mouse of good reputation as a reference, then tape the wireless mouse to it so both may track side by side.
5. capture the frames on the CRT with the high speed camera.

Honestly, you dont even need the CRT and high-speed camera... if you shake the mouse around a bunch and the pointers are no longer the same position w/ respect to each other, you have found a problem... you just wont know exactly when it happened. You may not be able to see any lag either, although your eye should pick up on any change in the distance between the two pointers as they move (sort of like staring at a ceiling fan so long that for split seconds at a time you can actually see one of the blades moving despite otherwise being a blur).
My favorite gaming mouse is still the G7, damnit I gotta find another one.
So I'm supposed to disregard my own experience with the mouse, not to mention the other reviews which are overwhelmingly positive as well as the thoughts of other people with this mouse?

I see.

I don't blame you for posting that, but take a look at some other reviews which unanimously agree there is no discernable lag. I'm actually using this mouse on a daily basis and have formed my own opinion of it; that Bit-Tech review doesn't change things for me. Those scores are a lot lower than what the G700 deserves, IMO.

Don't get all defensive, I was just posting what they said. It's quite possible that maybe they had some wireless devices conflicting with the mouse causing erratic behavior or something.
Don't get all defensive, I was just posting what they said. It's quite possible that maybe they had some wireless devices conflicting with the mouse causing erratic behavior or something.

It's all good, man. I just didn't want people who hadn't been following the G700 thread to see that and form a negative opinion just because of a single review.