Application install all in one package maker?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 18, 2007
Is it possible to somehow have a program that takes a buncha installer files/setup files and makes just ONE package I can run to install everything? Case being in that everytime I have to setup a new PC for a client I have to manually sit down, install photoshop, illustrator, word, etc, etc one by one and wait for them to finish is just a time waster. Anyone have any ideas?
See, that's why techs charge by the hour... :D

Theoretically you could do this with a batch file but that's still going to just run the installers in sequence, you'd still need to be there to do some aspects by hand (reg/serial codes, activations, updates, etc etc).

Best solution will always be sitting there doing it manually, there's nothing that's going to get past that unless you're creating a master image for (x) amount of machines that are all exactly the same configuration with respect to the hardware.
Be careful taking an installation package and making your own out of it. You could potentially break updates for the application for your customers. Your best bet for the cleanest install is to create a batch or VBScript file that installs the software for you.