application accelerator question...


Apr 19, 2003
OK, I have an Asus P4C800-E Deluxe, I know that you have to have an SATA drive for application accelerator to function, but does it have to be 2+ in a raid array? Or will just 1 serial ata drive by itself enable application accelerator? Thanks in advance guys :)
It will work on a single drive or Raid supposedly. A lot of people have had problems with it. I don't use it anymore myself.
There is a RAID version and a non RAID version. If your going to install it, use the appropriate one. I personally don't use it, because I could not find a difference with or without it.
well, it's supposed to reduce the latencies when opening programs, especially for the first time since a boot. With my IDE drive which of course gets no application accelerator support, there is some latencies sometimes that I know for a fact are completely unrelated to ram timings or speeds, etc..... I think what it is is that since most SATA drives and configurations are so fast in the first place, that there isn't a whole lot of difference between using application accelerator and no application accelerator........ But thanks guys, I'm gonna go out and buy one of those 74 GB Raptors from newegg :)