APC NetBotz 500 Server Monitoring Device


Jul 2, 2012
A buddy of mine has a few servers stored in a data center and wanted a better way to monitor them, so he bought an APC NetBotz 500 Monitoring Device.

I'm not looking to buy one of these at all, but his purchase made me really curious to see if anyone has utilized one of these/if it's actually worth the investment. I think it has air flow and humidity sensors too, which is kinda cool (especially since everything's obviously done remotely over a network).

i've seen a couple people in the network pics thread post up about them. I'm curious about adding something like this to my bedroom where i keep my servers to keep track of like temps and such. Would also love if i could use it to monitor like power usage of devices.
Look into temperature@lert.

we use this for some of our clients works great especially as some of our clients use Liebert A/C racks.

its pretty good. we havent used the cellular unit yet but use alot of wifi units and usb dongles
I have a 420, and I log its data to SQL, I get an email if its too hot or too noisy etc in the server room, and I can display the temperature and other stats live on a screen in the room. They're pretty cool.

If someone opens the rack door I get a photograph their face emailed to me.

They're made by APC so I cant wait to get the network card in my UPS and start monitoring power statistics the same way.