Anything worth mining on my 1080 ti about 10 hours a day?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 2, 2004
Hello, I recently got my new work & gaming rig set up, and during work my gpu is mostly idle. A lot of information I find is out of date so I wonder if anyone has a suggestion for an easy to set up miner for a part time 1080 ti? My electrical costs are 19 cents per KWh, so that may mean this isn't feasible. My water cooling keeps the gpu under 45c at full load, even at my overclocked setting of 2062mhz & 12.4ghz memory @ 1031mv. A lot of suggestions point to nicehash, but with the recent theft I'm not sure I want to start out there. Thanks for any help! is a good current(ish) resource. what sites / data are you finding out of date?
Mine Zclassic. It should be good for about 50 cents an hour profit at your energy cost. is a good current(ish) resource. what sites / data are you finding out of date?

Mine Zclassic. It should be good for about 50 cents an hour profit at your energy cost.

Thanks guys, I'm checking out zclassic. I guess I was just really overwhelmed, a lot of what I was finding was back from June, or at least no newer than October. I know that these things change regularly, and I couldn't figure out what to mine. Of course now that I understand that I had to click the 480 to disable it, not just set it to 0, I can see the numbers work out.

I don't currently have any other crypto going except burstcoin on my server, so at some point I have to find a way to turn these cryptos into fiat, I have no involvement in bitcoin etc. What's the best way to go for this, since I expect I may want to pull my 1080 mining out at some point? I figure on sitting on my burst for a while.
I've got my NVidia boxes hooked in to the Equihash endpoint at NH, but arnemetis you could do the same with MiningPoolHub or ahashpool.
Thanks everyone, I tried for a few hours to mine but even setting the miner to an intensity of 1 which pegged my gpu at ~95%, it still made the system too choppy to use. I'm not going to be able to do this, I need a responsive system to get my work done.
Thanks everyone, I tried for a few hours to mine but even setting the miner to an intensity of 1 which pegged my gpu at ~95%, it still made the system too choppy to use. I'm not going to be able to do this, I need a responsive system to get my work done.

I do believe you have a configuration error.

If you're game to troubleshoot a little bit more, let us know which miner you're using and its configuration. In general, you should almost never need to set actual mining params with NVidia miners.

As an empirical reference, my workstation is running x7 1070s with 0 usability issues after turning hardware acceleration off in Chrome.
I do believe you have a configuration error.

If you're game to troubleshoot a little bit more, let us know which miner you're using and its configuration. In general, you should almost never need to set actual mining params with NVidia miners.

As an empirical reference, my workstation is running x7 1070s with 0 usability issues after turning hardware acceleration off in Chrome.
I was noticing the mouse unable to keep up, and the system having mini freezes, like a micro stutter, every time it completed a piece of work. I also had hardware acceleration on in autocad, but I kind of need that.

I'm using EWBF's Zcash cuda miner 0.3.4b. The only thing I tried changing was the intensity from 64s to 1s, I'm pretty sure only the first one matters but I changed them all. I don't know what config info you want, so I'll plop it all here for you from miner.cfg:
# Common parameters
# All the parameters here are similar to the command line arguments

cuda_devices 0 1 2 3 4 5
intensity 1 1 1 1 1 1
templimit 80
pec 0
boff 0
eexit 0
tempunits c
log 0
logfile miner.log

# The miner start work from this server
# When the server is fail, the miner will try to reconnect 3 times
# After three unsuccessful attempts, the miner will switch to the next server
# You can add up to 8 servers

# main server
port 3052
user t1gc8KDsReEYoru4srcGrbLbBPHBABPkUGF.computer1
pass redacted

# additional server 1
port 6666
user t1gc8KDsReEYoru4srcGrbLbBPHBABPkUGF.t
pass redacted

#additional server 2
port 6666
user t1gc8KDsReEYoru4srcGrbLbBPHBABPkUGF.t
pass redacted
arnemetis That config looks good.

You using Chrome?

Also, give DSTM's miner a shot. I use it versus EWBF.

Latest DSTM miner is 0.5.7.

No configuration files or anything of the like. Just drop your server / worker configuration in the batch file and set her loose.
arnemetis That config looks good.

You using Chrome?

Also, give DSTM's miner a shot. I use it versus EWBF.

Latest DSTM miner is 0.5.7.

No configuration files or anything of the like. Just drop your server / worker configuration in the batch file and set her loose.
Yes I am using Chrome, latest version and up to date Windows 10 Pro. I know I need to update my sig, but other (maybe?) important info is the 5.1ghz 8700k, and 32gb of 3200mhz c14 ram. I'll give that other miner a try.

*edit* Trying the other miner, still experiencing some slowdowns. I did disable hardware acceleration on chrome, and at least the mouse moves around smoothly there. In fact the only time the mouse is choppy s when I'm not in an active program, just over the desktop. Very odd. I'll try it again for a bit, maybe turn off acceleration in autocad and see how it goes. I'm doing 806-825 Sol/W so far according to this new miner.

*edit 2* Yeah turning off hardware acceleration in autocad is a terrible mistake. I think if I'm working in autocad I'll just have to shut down the miner, it's too aggressive on it, but I'll try to keep it going otherwise for now.
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Try minergate. You can use the settings gear icon to slide the bar to how intense you want your GPU system to work. Basically dial in what you can tolerate for GPU usage with a slider.

You can also set how many cores you want from your CPU to be mining. Try 1/2 of your cores, or even 1/3 of your cores if you still want very responsive. You mine into a coin, and that's the coin you get paid. There's no autoconvert -- for better or worse. I tried it out for a few days a week back or so. I collected my ETH payment. I know it works and pays out legitimately.

Given your unique circumstances it seems a easy fit.
You can do vertcoin too, download the OCM miner (One Click Miner) and the Core Wallet, I didn't notice any degradation of performance while using it... Vertcoin has an active discord channel too if you need help setting it up :)

Or a less popular option would be to try Nicehash...although payouts will be infrequent with only 1 computer...
I found that my 1080Ti rigs much prefer equihash algo over lyra2v2 (vertcoin, mona, etc).

With equihash, I can run higher core and memory clocks (i.e. +130 and +600) but with lyra2v2, I have to drop to +110 and -600 (this is on rigs running EVGA SC and SC's). And even then, things are not as stable as running equihash. I concur that DSTM is the way to go for equihash. I tried various flavors of ccminer for lyra2v2 and liked alexis the best, but as stated, none were 100% stable.

I have a couple of rigs with water cooled 1080Ti's. One has a single Zotac ArcticStorm and it does 770+ Sols:


My other water cooled 1080Ti rig has 4x MSI Sea Hawk EK's and average 742 Sols:


I use mining pool hub (mph) for my GPU rigs and have been very pleased with the stability and payout. Bat file for DSTM is very simple. Here's mine: (mining ZEN atm)

zm --server --port 20594 --user crazydane.miner06 --pass solar --telemetry=
I found that my 1080Ti rigs much prefer equihash algo over lyra2v2 (vertcoin, mona, etc).

With equihash, I can run higher core and memory clocks (i.e. +130 and +600) but with lyra2v2, I have to drop to +110 and -600 (this is on rigs running EVGA SC and SC's). And even then, things are not as stable as running equihash. I concur that DSTM is the way to go for equihash. I tried various flavors of ccminer for lyra2v2 and liked alexis the best, but as stated, none were 100% stable.

I have a couple of rigs with water cooled 1080Ti's. One has a single Zotac ArcticStorm and it does 770+ Sols:


My other water cooled 1080Ti rig has 4x MSI Sea Hawk EK's and average 742 Sols:


I use mining pool hub (mph) for my GPU rigs and have been very pleased with the stability and payout. Bat file for DSTM is very simple. Here's mine: (mining ZEN atm)

zm --server --port 20594 --user crazydane.miner06 --pass solar --telemetry=

for your EVGA SC Black 1080TI cards try
65% power target
+99 on core
+585 on memory

Rock stable for months for me on any algorithm that nicehash or awesomeminer/mph uses. (except Blake)
I'm giving your setup a try, and I'm liking it already! My UPS is reporting a difference of 72 watts less draw with this setup, for a total system draw of 423w down to 351w (with monitors off.) So I'm taking a ~10% performance hit for a 17% power reduction. My average Sol/W went from 2.80 to 3.54.

I've been running this constantly over the last day and a half, and it looks like I was pulling in .08 zclassic on average over 24 hour periods. I'm going to keep running it this way for a while, at least when I'm not working. Here's some before and after screenshots.
zclassic mining 2062mhz.png zclassic mining 1860mhz.png
for your EVGA SC Black 1080TI cards try
65% power target
+99 on core
+585 on memory

Rock stable for months for me on any algorithm that nicehash or awesomeminer/mph uses. (except Blake)

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I'm surprised that you are able to maintain +585 on memory when doing lyra2v2, but I guess having core at +99 (vs. the +110 I was running could be the cause).

Is 65% power about 190W? I'm used to setting the specific W target in Linux as opposed to the % in Afterburner.

So you're a fan of keeping the same OC settings regardless of what algo your GPU's are working on?
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I'm surprised that you are able to maintain +585 on memory when doing lyra2v2, but I guess having core at +99 (vs. the +110 I was running could be the cause).

Is 65% power about 190W? I'm used to setting the specific W target in Linux as opposed to the % in Afterburner.

So you're a fan of keeping the same OC settings regardless of what algo your GPU's are working on?

I use profit switching tools like awesome miner and nicehash. So yes having stability along all algorithms is a necessity

65% power target is about 175-185 watts.

Linux may or may not affect your undervolt overclock. I’ve had success on my two EVGA cards with those settings in windows 10 for months. I started higher but kept dropping it a wee bit every time it ever crashed and that’s where it stopped for me. If I go to a 70% power target I lower the core to +76mhz

One more thing. With afterburner. The memory speed doesn’t scale with the power slider. The core MHz does. So realistically. You are looking to hit about 1625-1645mhz on core at 65% power.
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I use profit switching tools like awesome miner and nicehash. So yes having stability along all algorithms is a necessity

I understand, but awesome miner (and nvOC Linux) supports changing the OC settings when switching algos. So when running an algo that likes both core and memory clocks (equihash for example) you want to run both as high as you can. On the other hand, when running a lyra2v2 algo that is only core intensive, you can drop memory to like -600 and squeeze a little more core out of it.

65% power target is about 175-185 watts.


Linux may or may not affect your undervolt overclock. I’ve had success on my two EVGA cards with those settings in windows 10 for month. I started higher but kept dropping it a wee bit every time it ever crashed and that’s where it stopped for me. If I go to a 70% power target I lower the core to +76mhz

One more thing. With afterburner. The memory speed doesn’t scale with the power slider. The core MHz does. So realistically. You are looking to hit about 1625-1645mhz on core at 65% power.

Cool. Thanks.

So I did switch my 2 9x EVGA 1080Ti SC/SC2 rigs over to lyra2v2 mining XVG (Verge-Scrypt), and while the miner didn't crash, the pool was not accepting any of my work. Too bad because Awesome Miner was calculating a profit of $80/day for each of the rigs. Will have to trouble shoot later as I'm getting ready to go out, so I switched back to ZEN for now, which "only" does $60/day per rig, atm.

I'll have to read up on Awesome Miner and it's profit switching abilities as I'm only using it as a monitoring tool right now for my 12 miners (10 GPU miners and 2 Antminer S9's).
On the other hand, when running a lyra2v2 algo that is only core intensive, you can drop memory to like -600 and squeeze a little more core out of it.

Yeah, Lyra2REv2 doesn't really care about memory speed at all. Dropping memory speed at a given power target can get you a bit more boost out of the core.
So I'm moving along now at about .075 zclassic/24 hours, with significantly reduced electric costs from my max overclock thanks to suggestions here. However because this costs me real resources (electricity in this case) I need to regularly be able to get some money out of it in order to offset that very real cost. Unlike with burst which effectrively costs me nothing because the drives are running anyway, I don't really want to sit on highly volatile funds in this case for too long. I am having no luck finding any place to sell zclassic for usd, although I am finding lots of places who will tell me the value of zclassic in usd. I will admit I haven't dug too far into it, but it seems unlikely that whatever value all these calculators are pulling from are assuming I would convert the zclassic to bitcoin, and then sell the bitcoin for usd. Wouldn't I lose out on a significant amount of this money with the conversion and transaction fees that way? Where can I cash out?
I use Bittrex to sell most everything for ETH. Send the ETH to Coinbase and sell for USD.
I use Bittrex to sell most everything for ETH. Send the ETH to Coinbase and sell for USD.
Bittrex isn't allowing new signups anymore, anywhere else that's reputable? Cryptopia looks to be my next option, but they only sell zcl for btc, am I gonna get screwed when I try to move that btc over to coinbase (which I was able to set up) and sell it to deposit in my bank account?
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Ok I didn't get a response to my previous question, so I'll provide some more data at least:
miningspeed 01-06-2017.png
I'm mining about .05 zcl a day now over an average of the last 7 days, and with the price spiking up to $164 I'm finally reaching the 50 cents an hour quoted early on in this thread - but that's before electrical costs, and before whatever fees I am going to pay when converting the ZCL to USD.

Let's ignore the fact that I should probably hold on to my ZCL to get my free BTCP when it forks, and say I want to actually cash this in. I do NOT have a bittrex account, and it looks like they have no intentions of expanding so that is a closed avenue for all new people. Every other place I've looked at is only trading ZCL for BTC, which means I would lose a ton of my profits due to the insane BTC transaction fees, and then more loss when I convert the BTC to USD at coinbase (I was able to sign up for an account there.)

What's a guy to do to avoid BTC fees (which make this a waste of time to basically break even) when Bittrex is not an option?

*edit* Now Binance isn't accepting registrations, wtf is going on?!
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arnemetis, check out this video from Jessa Jones regarding the use of Coinbase (she is from iPad Rehab channel):

apparently, there is a stupidly easy way to transfer your funds from Coinbase to GDax and avoid huge fees, as well as, perhaps, diversify your crypto portfolio with some alt coins which, in most cases, have low to no transaction fees.
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honestly you could try to mine a lower tier coin and just hope it goes up, its a long shot but it has worked for me in the past
I agree with the last guy, lower tier coins might not look that profitable, look at Dogecoin... I mined that when it was worthless and I sold it all when it hit 17 cents each. Made a nice little sum.
Yeah I haven't had much time to look into it this week, got into a car accident. Still mining zclassic, up to .698 of it now. Seems like the sane thing to do is wait until it forks with bitcoin private, and hope that turns out to be at least as valuable as zclassic is now, since I get 1:1 when it forks. I'll need to look into other kinds of mining for during the day, because I have to keep it off for 9-10 a day because full gpu use somehow causes programs and mouse inputs several seconds lag. Gonna need a miner that can fine tune the % used and play with that, or just keep only mining off hours like I originally planned.
Thanks to this thread I've been letting my system below mine using minergate and it is working fine. I only let it mine when I'm not using it and I don't max out the settings because... Why spin my fans at 100% if I don't need to. Will be fun to see after a couple months if anything comes of this.
Thanks to this thread I've been letting my system below mine using minergate and it is working fine. I only let it mine when I'm not using it and I don't max out the settings because... Why spin my fans at 100% if I don't need to. Will be fun to see after a couple months if anything comes of this.
Glad this ended up helping someone else! Maxing out the settings is bad of course due to the fan noise & heat, but also because of the energy costs. The settings I'm using keep me at 3.50-3.55 Sol/W, which seems like a pretty nice sweet spot for me.
for your EVGA SC Black 1080TI cards try
65% power target
+99 on core
+585 on memory

Rock stable for months for me on any algorithm that nicehash or awesomeminer/mph uses. (except Blake)

I've been trying to use those and I continually get intermittent driver crashes. Is it possible one of the coins just has a problem with my set up? Also do you always use the newest nvidia driver?
I've been trying to use those and I continually get intermittent driver crashes. Is it possible one of the coins just has a problem with my set up? Also do you always use the newest nvidia driver?

That works for all my cards with nicehash or awesome miner -- but yes it'll be card and algorithm dependant to a point.

Try dropping the core to +50Mhz, and +400Mhz on the memory and gradually increase like or 10Mhz at a time until you lose stability, and then back down a few ticks for long term stability.

Implement an automatic daily reboot through Windows Task Scheduler to keep everything running smooth.

Also - I only mine the mainstream coins - so in awesome miner that means you have to uncheck a lot of the crap coins. In nicehash 2.0.x all should work. In nicehash 1.8.x you'll have to disable some of the crap too. You might also increase the minimum switch time to like 1/2 hour. The times anything crashes is typically when it's switching algorithms.

The only thing tinker free is NiceHash 2.0.x that I've found, or maybe Minergate. (but seems a bit less profitable).
That works for all my cards with nicehash or awesome miner -- but yes it'll be card and algorithm dependant to a point.

Try dropping the core to +50Mhz, and +400Mhz on the memory and gradually increase like or 10Mhz at a time until you lose stability, and then back down a few ticks for long term stability.

Implement an automatic daily reboot through Windows Task Scheduler to keep everything running smooth.

Also - I only mine the mainstream coins - so in awesome miner that means you have to uncheck a lot of the crap coins. In nicehash 2.0.x all should work. In nicehash 1.8.x you'll have to disable some of the crap too. You might also increase the minimum switch time to like 1/2 hour. The times anything crashes is typically when it's switching algorithms.

The only thing tinker free is NiceHash 2.0.x that I've found, or maybe Minergate. (but seems a bit less profitable).

Yeah I'm using awesomeminer right now with nicehash and MPH. What are the crap coins I should probably avoid?
Yeah I'm using awesomeminer right now with nicehash and MPH. What are the crap coins I should probably avoid?

and therein lies the big question...I'm still sorting this out myself. But from my experiences:

If you want to stability - disable everything, then enable these:

Daggerhashimoto (eth) and (SIA, Decred, Lbry, Pascal) for dual mining with ETH
X11 Gost

Disable everything else - and enable it after you've already acquired stability

Next grouping: profitable but potentially a bit less stable in my experience:

This isn't a gospel list - it's just my experiences with 8 and 12 card NVidia rigs with awesome miner in a short summary.
and therein lies the big question...I'm still sorting this out myself. But from my experiences:

If you want to stability - disable everything, then enable these:

Daggerhashimoto (eth) and (SIA, Decred, Lbry, Pascal) for dual mining with ETH
X11 Gost

Disable everything else - and enable it after you've already acquired stability

Next grouping: profitable but potentially a bit less stable in my experience:

This isn't a gospel list - it's just my experiences with 8 and 12 card NVidia rigs with awesome miner in a short summary.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot!
For higher-end NVIDIA hardware (1070 Ti or better), the best algos for quite a while have been...
X11Gost that order.

And most of those are GPU intensive more than memory intensive, so the smart money recently has actually been to underclock memory and try to push core higher.
Can't make more money if your rig is always going offline due to errors. That's my bane.
If you have just a single card or two, nearly all the default algorithms work fine. If you have 12 cards in a rig, it seems like the vast majority don't transition well and the rig ends up crashing or sitting idle.

I think these stability and profitability experiences probably relate a lot to the overclock and undervolt settings one chooses.
I was just testing for a bit and it got stuck in Equihash on a loop. Kept saying "interface offline" and kept opening/closing it.
I was just testing for a bit and it got stuck in Equihash on a loop. Kept saying "interface offline" and kept opening/closing it.
probably your overclock is too high or your undervolt too low. Equihash should be about the most stable algorithm.