Anyone use peltiers anymore?


Oct 4, 2003
Ive been looking around for alternative cooling and I was wondering if anyone has tried to use a peltier or something for either cooling water own in a water cooling system, or even just using one on the processor itself....

Are these a thing of the past now? or will it even work on hot a$s AMD's? post your oppinions and ideas or flames or whatever =)
It's still around and doin' just fine thank you :) many members here use pelt cooled W/C rigs, it's just not for everyone. It's the only way to go if you are a very serious overclocker. You can get your cooling down in the minus number column with the proper equipment. You will see posts here asking questions on pelts and dedicated power supplies every few days.....
I'd like to go TEC but its kinda hard.

I alrdy have a WC rig and can voerclock my amd mobile barton t 2.55ghz at 1.95v stable, 41-43deg C full load.

using eheim 1250, black ice pro, maze4..

I'd like to go with tecing but thats 120$ for a good PSU for the pelt, and 30-40$ for a good 220W+ pelt. not to mention sticking all kind s of insulation on my mobo.

I doubt it'd really net me more than 2.6-2.7ghz
many members here use pelt cooled W/C rigs, it's just not for everyone. It's the only way to go if you are a very serious overclocker.

Phase change works well too, for less money on the power billl, and no chance of the TEC not getting turned off and frying everything.

You can do either a phase change water-chiller, which is pretty is to build and put in a rig that's already watercooled, or you can go phase change direct-die, which is a bit more complicated to build. I went straight from air to direct-die, but it's a fairly easy step to go from water to water chiller.
Yeah, TEC's are easy to biff because they can be too powerful and cause condensation around your cpu and stuff which can cause major problems.....
TECs are a PITA. You need a PSU and they suck a TON of electricity than you need to insulate but thats easy :p The biggest problem is your rad. Your gona need a high CFM push pull setup on a heatercore to keep a 226 watt TEC on a mildly OCed CPU cool. A 3ghz AXP throws off a wopping 200 watts of heat. Drop that down to a 2.8ghz AXP which is more realistic and than add the TEC in AND your GPU if you do that and your looking at 400-500 watts of heat that you have to disapate from your water loop.
I use a little 80w on my like a charm , and no xtra psu neeed =)
I think some of the hardcore people who used to mess with TECs are moving on to phase change systems. There are still a lot of people playing with TECs, though.
ok, maybe im out of my mind, but, would this work?
(notice my leet paint skills because I cant find my PS7 disk)

basicly, the peltiers cold side cools the water to cool the heat side, then goes back under the cool side before it goes around to the processor and video card... is this viable? if so, you would have a great, self contained peltier cooled water rig
I'm having a hard time digesting that picture. If you are talking about running the same water over the hot and the cold sides of the peltier, then that will completely negate any cooling effect and will actually add heat to the system. If you are using a peltier to cool, then you will need a separate system to keep the peltier itself cool.
That's an inefficient way to do it. You use the cold side to cool the processor, not the water. Besides, if the cool side is cooling the water, what's removing heat from the hot side?
Chiller Idea.JPG

So does mine make sense anyone?? I just want to do it for fun and wanted to cool my CPU down with just watercooling. So do you think it'll work? and I don't like a peltier touching any chips in my comp:D
Pelt water chilling probley would get you higher temps than a heatercore.
that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard!

in a perfect world with out energy loss and efficiency there would be no gain on the water temp. all that you would accomplish would be wasteing electricity

sorry but its true
Originally posted by DeViLdUdE
So does mine make sense anyone?? I just want to do it for fun and wanted to cool my CPU down with just watercooling. So do you think it'll work? and I don't like a peltier touching any chips in my comp:D

I understand what you are trying to do, and while it can work, at one point it is going to become self-defeating. If your pelts have enough juice cool the entire system, the radiatior will start dumping the cold from the system instead of helping.

The only thing a radiator really does is attempts to equalize the tempurature.

In closed loop watercooled system, the water moves so fast that there is not much difference in temp from the hot side to the cold side of the loop. Basically that means no matter where in the loop you put your pelt, you are not focusing your cooling potential.

Putting the pelt directly on the cpu is more effecient.
Chilling the entire system is not effecient use of your power or potential. However, if you wanna get silly creative and use the hot side of the pelt to keep your coffee cup warm, that may justify it. :)
Well I'll just stick wit pure watercooling. I don't want to mess with my board putting stuff (neoprene dielectric... etc.) just to put the pelt. Well what Phreak said was confusing but mine is kind of more understable heh:D
Well, I am using the Thermaltake SubZero4G on a Mobile Athlon 2600+. At 2500 Mhz at 1.70 volts underload I am around 127F. I have only had this CPU for a week, so I haven't really had a chance to overclock that much. It just really seems to like ocing.
I was using pelt cooling for about 3-5 mos.

I was so addicted so getting the cpu as cold as i could get, the pc wasnt even fun anymore.

I found myself tweaking and tweaking, rebooting, refitting stuff.

I was a nervous wreck. heh

I took it all off.

Now i cant even think straight again, cause this damn fan is so loud.
hey cpuFAILURE wat up.

i have to say your bong cooler is the coolest [no, pun intended;)]

i got kicked off the abit-usa forums:p

on topic

i have pelts right infront of me that i just lapped and i halso lapped my new, old wb

and my last post has some really fucked up english:( :)
Originally posted by DeViLdUdE
Well I'll just stick wit pure watercooling. I don't want to mess with my board putting stuff (neoprene dielectric... etc.) just to put the pelt. Well what Phreak said was confusing but mine is kind of more understable heh:D

If you only want to drop the temp a few degrees, then a pelt will work just fine as a water chiller. And an added bonus is that if the pelt fails, it will not damage anything.

I still would not suggest using 2 pelts in your configuration. You are dumping too much power for little or no gain. With a radiator, you will start running into a law of diminishing returns.
Originally posted by DeViLdUdE
Well I'll just stick wit pure watercooling. I don't want to mess with my board putting stuff (neoprene dielectric... etc.) just to put the pelt. Well what Phreak said was confusing but mine is kind of more EDIT: understandable heh

Originally posted by DocFaustus
If you only want to drop the temp a few degrees, then a pelt will work just fine as a water chiller. And an added bonus is that if the pelt fails, it will not damage anything.

I still would not suggest using 2 pelts in your configuration. You are dumping too much power for little or no gain. With a radiator, you will start running into a law of diminishing returns.

What the heck I keep mispelling words in this forum even tho I rechecked it 2 times...neways thanks for the input man.

and what do you mean by "law of diminishing returns"
BTW Ihave 2 rads and then it goes to(peltier chiller idea) and the water chilled ends up in the dual 3.5 res then goes to pump and around...