Anyone seen this strange video problem?


Feb 1, 2005
This is an interesting problem I've been having since my new build. I posted once about this, and I figured it was a codec problem, but I guess it wasn't. When I play most AVI, MPG, and WMV files, I seem to get these funny red and white lines across my videos. It's rather annoying to look at. I have a picture of what I mean.

Strange Indeed.

Here is my system setup.

CPU Athlon 64 3000+ S939
MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum Mobo
1 gig Mushkin PC3200 DDR Ram
200 gig Maxtor SATA HD
PNY Geforce 6800 GT GPU
350w Antec PSU
I am unsure why it's doing this. I have replaced the video card from a Radeon 9000 to a Geforce 6800 GT, and no difference. I have reformatted my HD, and reinstalled Windows XP and still no change. I've run DxDiag and found no errors. I did notice something interesting though. When I turned down the Hardware accelerations to about 2 notches down from Full Acceleration, the videos work FINE. I have the latest Nvidia drivers installed, and I have reinstalled my codecs for playback, and I've reinstalled DX9 twice. Still no change. I figured it may be a hardware problem, but I don't have any spare parts to change it out with. One more thing, I have reseated the CPU and video card, and I haven't seen much of a change. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be willing to try them. Thanks for your help.
It is important to use Driver Cleaner when switching from ATI to Nvidia cards.
You can get it at

Install it and clean for ATI.
Nope, nothing is overheating, and I did use DriverCleaner Pro to wipe off the ATI drivers, when I installed the GT. The funny thing is, when I built my new computer, I didn't have the GT GPU yet, so I was using the Radeon 9000. The problem still happened before the GT anyway. My temps are normal, CPU is idling at about 37 C, System temp is about 30 C Idle, and my GPU is about 53C Idle. I've applied Arctic Silver to the GT as well.