Anyone here use Mozy (at home or in Small Biz)???


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 7, 2007
Basically my plan was to get all my PCs backed up to the WHS... Then run Mozy on the WHS to keep it all offsite.

I mean, $5 is ridiculously cheap... Anything I'm not seeing in the fine print here?

Or Carbonite? Anyone had experiences with either?
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Or Carbonite?

Yea, I know the initial upload would take forever. But after that it's all incremental from the way I understand it and it should be pretty marginal.
I use Mozy. I only push my irreplaceable stuff to it, like pictures and home videos. I haven't tried pushing my entire ~7TB media collection yet, lol. So far I like the service, no complaints.
You have to use mozy pro for whs. Costs a little more and 50cents per gig. You can workaround that by installing most on another computer and changing a reg setting to allow backup of network shares. However it's very possible that they will take that functionality out in the future.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
You have to use mozy pro for whs. Costs a little more and 50cents per gig. You can workaround that by installing most on another computer and changing a reg setting to allow backup of network shares. However it's very possible that they will take that functionality out in the future.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

That kindof sucks... I'm looking at Carbonite and theirs doesn't support WHS, either.

WHS is specifically made for PERSONAL uses, why they don't support it on their PERSONAL plans doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense from a user standpoint because it's purely a business decision. With the amount of storage in a whs setup, a whs account would use much more than an average user, which doesn't work in a oversell model...which most is.
You can get Carboniferous working on whs, but the upload speed is capped and it excludes a good number of file types.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
It doesn't make sense from a user standpoint because it's purely a business decision. With the amount of storage in a whs setup, a whs account would use much more than an average user, which doesn't work in a oversell model...which most is.
You can get Carboniferous working on whs, but the upload speed is capped and it excludes a good number of file types.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

If they're selling "unlimited" backup, it shouldn't matter. Kindof reminds me of ISP's capping... "You get unlimited, but only if you don't use it".

That said, I've been looking around and I've found a couple more.
iDrive does up to 150GB for $50/year, and CrashPlan is about the same, but unlimited.
CrashPlan is straight forward with their requirements (XP, Server 2008/2003/2000, 1GHZ+ CPU, 1GB+ memory, 50MB+ free drive space).
I'm kindof really liking their setup, looks like they've got everything one would want:
Well, for what it's worth- CrashPlan was ridiculously easy to setup. No problems installing to WHS, no problems backing up multiple drives. No problems with anything, really.
I ticked the entire C and D drives, changed a few settings (email notifications, frequencies, bandwidth throttle stuff), hit Backup and I'm done. Might take the rest of the week to back the thing up but I'll be good to go :D
I think selling backup is more comparable with selling web hosting with the bandwidth and space considerations. I'll have to give crashplan a look as I've been looking for a proper WHS backup solution; though it's not recommended to access files on whs thru the D:\folders directory since it can cause whs wonkiness.
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I use Crash Plan, the free version, and backup from my family's computers to a virtual machine that stores on my iSCSI NAS. I then replicate my NAS offsite.

Crash plan is very easy to setup, and as long as you can get a friend to host a USB drive for you and load the app, it costs $0/mo in recurring fees.
I use Crash Plan, the free version, and backup from my family's computers to a virtual machine that stores on my iSCSI NAS. I then replicate my NAS offsite.

Crash plan is very easy to setup, and as long as you can get a friend to host a USB drive for you and load the app, it costs $0/mo in recurring fees.

Yea, I was seeing the free stuff too. I just didn't want to rely on someone else so I just paid for the full version (It came with the "Plus" version too which was additional incentive for me).

CrashPlan is really an awesome product from the looks of it- you can replicate to their servers AND friends AND another folder... Lots of options. Can't believe I hadn't heard of it before.