Anyone here have BackupExec 12.5 experience? Trouble installing


Extremely [H]
Oct 11, 2001
I'm working on testing some scripts and program compatibility for where I work for interoperability with BE 12.5... unfortunately, I can't get the silly thing to install. I'm sure there's something obvious here I'm missing, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out. I'm trying to install the Infrastructure Management Suite, and I'm at the first part (the Altiris notification server config).

I've got Windows 2003 Enterprise, SP2, IIS and installed (default options for all of them). Default web site is up and running in IIS, and I tried to give full permissions to everything (for better or for worse). Windows is fully patched, IE 7 latest patches (to pass validation).

Server is on the domain, although my domain credentials do not have admin rights for the domain - I'm using local administrator to install, and I'm trying to run the notification server as administrator.

Default Web Site is selected fro the web location, with the FQDN - if I go there, I get the usual IIS default page.

When I try to start the install, it kicks back with:
"An Http Connection could not be made to the website you selected. The request returned with a status code of ServiceUnavailable. Please check the site and try again."

Google searching somehow doesn't find anything for this - I've tried the entire error message, portions, and the BE install guides and am coming up totally blank - anyone seen this before, or know what I'm missing?