Anyone good with DD-WRT VPNs? (Or, how else can I do this?)


Nov 25, 2001
I have a very complex network topology set up in my apartment.

I'm running a DD-WRT in Universal Wireless Repeater mode to get my WAN signal from my apartment complex.

DD-WRT hooks up to a switch, which hooks up to another access point to broadcast a private wireless signal for myself.

I don't trust the other people on the open wifi, so I want to tunnel all my WAN traffic through a VPN gateway that I use. (WiTopia PPTP VPN). If I use a laptop to connect to the wireless, set up a VPN connection, and enable ICS on the VPN connection -- then hook the laptop to the rest of my network, I verify that all the connections from all my computers do go through the VPN as my WAN link.

But, it's a dynamic-IP VPN. The address changes every time I dial in.

DD-WRT seems to want a static IP VPN.

So, I'm looking for either some trickery that will let DD-WRT connect to and use that for all WAN traffic, or another hardware box that can go in between them.

WiTopia is only licensed for a single connection at once, so the option of just having all of my computers (2 laptops + desktop) connect to the tunnel on their own won't work. But if I have the router do it, it's just one connection.

Any ideas? I saw a Cisco CVPN3002, but I hear it only works when connecting to a Cisco VPN concentrator.