Any way to reinstall Barracuda OS?

Sep 17, 2012
We have a client whose Barracuda 410 has been out of warranty for at least 6 months, and had its hard drive die.

They have a sister location with a 410 as well.

Does anyone know if there's a way to clone the hard drive of the working 410 onto a new hard drive, then do a factory reset to set it up from scratch, or maybe import a config file if one was saved?

Or, did they just get downgraded to a shitty $4000 1U server? I'm sure I could install something like untangle and get it to do some filtering without issue, or since it's actually an Athlon II X2 635e, which supports VT, I may just bump it to 8GB of RAM, throw in a pair of low profile drives (at least one, as I can fit that under the LAN/WAN ports), and turn it into an ESXi server to replace a few machines that are sitting around doing practically nothing (AV server, WSUS server, and whatever their door security system server is).
Have you tried contacting Barracuda? They may be able to still get you an image or something even if it's off of warranty. It wouldn't hurt to try.
what do they store the image on SD card? could you take out the drive, connect to a PC, use clonezilla and copy it over?
They store it on the hard drive.

Apparently, they've already budgeted for a new web filter and spam filter to be put in when the company splits off, as there are ownership transfer hassles with Barracuda, so this thing is going to be turned into a modest little server after all.

Ran into something interesting today while playing around with it.

The front LAN/WAN works and pulls IP addresses under Windows 8 Enterprise Eval. It's not recognized in Server 2008 R2, or Server 2012. Any thoughts on why that might be? The network cards themselves are recognized as realtek 8168 NICs, but the physical interface only works under Windows 8 so far. I'm hoping it'll play nice in ESXi...but I didn't bring that CD with me.
Probably because there aren't drivers for 2008R2 or Server 2012. You can force it to use Win 7 or 8 drivers though and they'll work, you just have to manually change the driver.
That just seems counter-intuitive. I could understand 2008 R2 having something funky, but I'd think 08 and 2012 would share the same network driver base. It does detect the chipsets...but not this daughter board...but even in 8, there's no separate entry for it.

Oh well. I'll deal with it later.