Any UT2004 gamers using lcd monitor?


Oct 24, 2003
How is it?
Thinking of getting a 17inch lcd monitor but i m worried that it might not be suitable for such a fast pace game.Should i go for a true flat crt monitor or lcd?
SGI 1600SW 17.3 inch lcd, smooth as butter combined with 9700 pro and nearly all eyecandy. no ghosting at all,
Looks Beautiful.
UT2K4 also supports 1280x1024 which is probably native res of your new 17 inch monitor. We like that.

Hitachi cml174 17in 16ms response
If you are a pure gamer CRT should be your only option. If you have very picky eyes like mine you'll want to use a nice 19" gaming CRT and then save some cash for some other stuff.(NEC 912SB is 300 bucks, best monitor for gaming period for the size)

If your going to be playing games like UT2k4, go with the CRT.(or most games period for that matter)
VP171b and not a problem. Smooth as silk, in even the most nasty of firefights.
I picked up a Black Samsung Syncmaster 171v from my local Fry's for about $250-$300 (Can't remember exactly how much) to go along with my 9800pro and it runs all my games smoothly with very good image quality and no ghosting or lag.

I was skeptical because a lot of people say LCD's aren't great for gaming, but it works just fine. It even saves you some desk room going with an LCD. :D
I played it on my Dell Inspiron 8500 15.4" WSXGA screen and it lokos really good. No problems at all.
Originally posted by Bop
If you are a pure gamer CRT should be your only option. If you have very picky eyes like mine you'll want to use a nice 19" gaming CRT and then save some cash for some other stuff.(NEC 912SB is 300 bucks, best monitor for gaming period for the size)

If your going to be playing games like UT2k4, go with the CRT.(or most games period for that matter)

Hmm, 12 LCD + comments, 1 CRT Plus, In any case, have fun lugging your huge crt to a lan, eveyone who games with LCDs will be wating for you! (And yes, LCD tech has gotten to the point where ghosting isnt much of an issue any more)
Yep. Samsung Widescreen 17" 172W.

UT2K4 runs at native res (1280 x 768) beautifully!