any increase in performance in dual antenna wireless routers?


Jun 7, 2004
i'm seeing both single and dual antennas selling for wireless routers. is there an increase in performace for a dual antenna?

dfarrales said:
i'm seeing both single and dual antennas selling for wireless routers. is there an increase in performace for a dual antenna?


No, the only main difference is that the dual antenna are more directional (i.e. you can point them in different directions to cover an area better). Be warned though, moving the antennas in a dual package might cause weak signals, than if you left them both sticking straight up. Also, I would recommend changing the antennas anyways to a 6dB gain antenna instead.
Most wireless routers have 2.

The new pre-N have 3.

Just be like everybody else and get the Linksys WRT54G. You wont be sorry.
I have a linksys WAP55AG wireless access point and I can barely use the wireless internet out of my room but my neighbor has a linksys BEFW11S4 you can get there signal from 3 houses down.
ezkill said:
No, the only main difference is that the dual antenna are more directional (i.e. you can point them in different directions to cover an area better). Be warned though, moving the antennas in a dual package might cause weak signals, than if you left them both sticking straight up. Also, I would recommend changing the antennas anyways to a 6dB gain antenna instead.

You can use that directionality to your advantage too. Instead of moving the antennas on the unit, leave them straight up and turn the entire unit. Lining up both antennas pointing in the direction of my my most troublesome WAP really helped it, and didn't hurt the WAPs that were OK to begin with.