Any descent Socket 478 Mobos left?


Jul 8, 2004
I am lookin for a cheap mobo that will get the job done meanin I can still play games the same or better then I used to. My Asus P4C800E-Deluxe went out and me and they no longer sell that mobo anymore, so im not sure what to replace it with. I want to get bang for my buck on this one since I dont have all the money in the world. As long as it plays WoW and other games with no sweat ill accept that.

Anyone have an idea on what I can order?

I have socket 478 Pentium 4 Prescott 3.0ghz
2 gig of DDr corsair XMS
Radeon 9800XT
I bought them all... and then I melted them.
And then I laughed.

I laughed at the future misery it would cause people such as you.
Mu ha ha ha.
My dastardly plans have come to fruition.

/end taunt

I had an original Asus P4P800 and it was kick-ass. Let me look around a little.
Pricewatch P4 478 Asus results.
You might need to locate reviews now, to figure out which to purchase.
WOW. We are near exactly the same. I also had a P4C800-E Deluxe with mainly the same setup(my CPU was a 3.2 HT Prescott). I got the P4P800-E Deluxe.

A word of caution. There was a bad batch of P4P's that is still being sold today. I got one of those and first boot...(drum roll) "System failed CPU Check." EEK. RMA'd it and got a working one.

PS: Did your P4C800 give you the "System failed VGA check" error or maybe the CPU version? or neither?
if you can find any of the abit ic7 series on eBay then that could be a good board i used to have an ic7 max III that was great to use
Nali said:
WOW. We are near exactly the same. I also had a P4C800-E Deluxe with mainly the same setup(my CPU was a 3.2 HT Prescott). I got the P4P800-E Deluxe.

A word of caution. There was a bad batch of P4P's that is still being sold today. I got one of those and first boot...(drum roll) "System failed CPU Check." EEK. RMA'd it and got a working one.

PS: Did your P4C800 give you the "System failed VGA check" error or maybe the CPU version? or neither?

YES, that was exactly what it was saying - but it had said that before and all I did was wiggle the video card a little bit. Now when it says it, there seems to be no way to fix it. The board was only about 1 year old but I dont think I have it warranty so im kinda screwed. I looked on ebay for the board that I had and also the Abit IC7 series but the prices are rediculous for both since they are not even sold anymore. Is there any other mobo that I can try? I heard something about the DFI LANparty's but Im still not quite sure. Im not sure what mobo to get now because all the good socket 478's it seems are out of commission.

I am so lost on which board to get now.

P.S. - for the troubleshooting end of it, I swapped out the video, the ram, the cpu, the case +psu and still says the same thing so i figured that it is the mobo and theres nothing else i can do.
Descent motherboards! :)
im still using the Abit IS7 on my home comp. if you can buy that i would, its rockin
I had a P4P800 and it was fine for me. It died because I did something to mess it up. But I built 2 other computers with them (one was the deluxe version) and they both are fine. So that link that the first guy posted seems fine. That's probably what I will get since people aren't responding to my thread. :)