Another Pc pole

Whats your fav Pc game

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My fav Pc game of all time was definatly "Shooting Games" 3. I really liked how they fleshed out the shooting aspects of it, as the previous games were a bit lacking in that department. However, I would be lying if I didnt say that "Sports" 07 gives it a run for its money.
I'll give a top list here, as my answer was Other. This is right off the top of my head, and all series are added as one entry. I'm sure I've forgotten about a billion games, but these are what spring to mind:

01. System Shock Series (PC)
02. Ultima Series (PC)
03. Quake Series (PC)
04. Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay (PC)
05. Hero's Quest Series (PC)
06. Psychonauts (PC)
07. Archon Series (C64)
08. M.U.L.E. (C64)
09. Tron 2.0 (PC)
10. Mario Series (Nintendo systems)
11. Zelda Series (Nintendo systems)
12. Money Puzzle Exchanger (NeoGeo system)
13. Star Control 2 (PC)
14. Syndicate Series (PC)
15. Shadow of the Beast Series (Amiga)
16. Turrican Series (Amiga + various consoles)
17. Doom Series (PC)
18. Oblivion
19. R-Type Series (Arcade)
20. Psychosis (TG-16)
21. Legendary Axe Series (TG-16)

These are all based on the amount of fun that I remember having with them at the time. (or continue to have with them to this date)
Battlefield 2 ranks as my mostest favoritest game ever followed closely by Final Fantasy 7. Half Life and System Shock 2 are up there, too.
I voted for the Battlefield series, however it's not quite #1 for me. Here's my list:

1) Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (FPS)
2) original Red Alert (RTS)
3) SWAT 4 (FPS)
4) Far Cry (FPS)
5) Soldner: Secret Wars (FPS)

HL2, almost made it on my list, almost :)
I go through phases. It will change from FPS's to racing and back. Right now I'm in the transition stage from racing to FPS. ;)
Why do the Battlefield series and GTA series get their own choices while RTS games are left out completely?
"Shooting Games"
...because HL and Quake are shooty Freespace and Homeworld there is shooting C&C and Warhammer 40k there is shooty WoW my shammy shoots lighting bolts and my hunter shoots bullets...and in Diablo II my Javazon shoots javazonians KOTOR games I had some people shoot until I got him some good swords/lightsabers Mechwarrior I shot a lot of things
...the list goes on