another cool network monitoring tool..


Apr 8, 2002
Well in my never ending search to find a good tool that runs on *nix /apache/php/mysql to graph traffic usage/server statistics, I came across something the other day that is very cool...

It is like MRTG on sterioids, and takes the work out of getting MRTG to graph mem usage/logged on users/other various server statistics. I am now using this at two separate places, one of which we are now keeping statistics on 10 or so 48 port and up switches as well as a few servers (when all is said and done, we will be monitoring about double the switches and 10 servers)

anyways, I invite anyone to check it out if they want a nice web based solution to track network/server stats

it gets my panties all moist just thinking about it....

i think i have to go and ... uhhh... use the bathroom... !
cool... genmay uses that IIRC

its like MRTG for lazy people that dont want to SNMP walk everything ;)
Originally posted by FLECOM
cool... genmay uses that IIRC

its like MRTG for lazy people that dont want to SNMP walk everything ;)

lazy people?? Sign me up... :D

It actually looks pretty bloody nice. I will give it a shot once I get my server back online. I got burnt using a half-assed honeypot and some bastard rooted my main server... Kids these days...
Originally posted by SKiTLz
lazy people?? Sign me up... :D

It actually looks pretty bloody nice. I will give it a shot once I get my server back online. I got burnt using a half-assed honeypot and some bastard rooted my main server... Kids these days...
that sucks!