Another blog question


Limp Gawd
Mar 26, 2002
OK... remember back in the day when a person could get a website up without hosting the site themselves? I forget the names but the websites gave webspace and the url included there name as well. it was a long url with you title at the very end. Well, it was not recommended to use those for businesses.

Is this true for blogs of today? should a person host there own(get there own host) for better response and higher rankings or is a website that gives free blog space the same?

Hope i made myself clear
What do you mean by higher rankings? I have both a livejournal and my own blog, the journal I use has a module for uploading your entries to livejournal so i keep them both synchronized and use livejournal as an external backup. The main reason I chose a host my own was I wanted to be able to be able to customize the layout and add some functionality without having to pay. Other than wanting to own and control the system, I don't think there's alot of value in hosting your own blog. In terms of scaleability, I think the free blog sites will do better and give you a much better reach than hosting your own.
missionzero00 said:
I think the free blog sites will do better and give you a much better reach than hosting your own.

Agreed. If all you want is a blog, check out Google's Blogger. It's fairly nice and you'll be joining a community full of cool people, including many folks who work at Google.
the only real reason to host your own blog is if you
1) are interested in learning how to write fairly complex code
2) want to learn how to configure and manage a webserver
3) want to learn how to use a CMS like WordPress, etc.
4) want to break your ISP's terms of service against running a server ;), a really, really bad idea if high page ranking (and high traffic) is your goal.

if none of the above applies to you, then i recommend you just sign up with one of the free blog hosts like LiveJournal or Blogger.

high rankings has nothing to do with who hosts your site.
Let me clearify alittle... I did not mean "host my own blog". What i meant was to purchase some webspace and install the blog software on "that" server (just like setting up a website at a hosting company). My main question was whether the process i just described would be "better" than using a website like blogger or livejourna or Google blogger or what ever. When I meant higher ranking i meant getting a reach or audience. Which will get my blog out there for every to find EASILY?.

Thanks for the responses, and I hope i clearified my questions a little
Well you're going to need a webhost that supports some dynamic language like php/java/perl/.net and a database. This probably won't be free and you'll still need to maintain the software. For search engines how unique your name is will play a big part. I would guess the livejournal or one of the other blog sites would have a higher rank than whatever domain name you would pick if the name is common.