annoying svchost.exe


Jul 3, 2003
for some weird reason whenever i connect to the net (dial up) scvhost starts to use up all the cpu power.
I know this because i plressed ctrl+alt+del and went to the processes tab.
If i shut it down the system shuts down. :(
my OS is XP SP, my mobo is abit nf7-s, latest nforks drivers installed.
Svc host is a generic host process. It checks your registry and loads any dlls that processes may need. If you have the windows 2003 resource kit installed (Resource tool kit ) you can run "tlist -s" to get a detail list of each svchost instance. This may give yo a better idea of which app is hogging memory.

Probly a trojan is trying to load :( .
Sounds to me like one of those "popular" viruses/worms. Blaster or a variant maybe, then there were some other similar ones. See if your regedit and msconfig work, and check for start up entries. You might be able to see it by going to command prompt and doing a Tasklist /svc /fi "Imagename eq svchost.exe" <-- yes with quoations, and it will list the processes associated with svchost.exe and you might be able to see it in there. Then in safe mode maybe delete the bad file/process and any reg entries associated with it etc. Note that the tasklist command appears to only work with XP Pro and not XP Home. Once you get it fixed, patch your machine with windows update. Good Luck.

Edit: Also you could head over to Sysinternals and check out Process Explorer and Autoruns under the Utilities section and it might help as well in finding bogus processes/worms that could be the problem.