AMD Memory


May 2, 2005
I'm looking for some memory to go with a AMD 3200 and a Radeon x800. I'm wanting to dual channel 1gig at first and maybe expand later. What brand goes best with the AMD? How hard would it be to OC the RAM just a little? This is my first build, and I am not looking to get very strict with the OCing at this point. I just want it as a future option.

depends on how you oc and the motherboard.

if you have a board capable of supplying >3v to the ram, get twinmos SP
otherwise some crucial value or more modest TCCD based ram will work well. ram speeds have a negligable effect on performance with an a64 anyhow, so there's no real purpose to oc'ing it unless you like to or you're a bencher :p
So, it wouldn't be necessary to OC the memory to keep it up with everything else? And would 1gig be enough for starters? I won't be doing a lot of high-end gaming or anything, I just want enough for a few of the "latest and greatest".
just overclock it as far as you can get it, but there's no reason to spend excessive amounts of money on ram to get a better oc.

1gb is the recommended amount these days. 2gb is typically too costly due to the need for 1gb sticks on a64 (four sticks don't play nice with the memory controller), and 512mb isn't enough ;)
I know that (cf)Eclipse here is a fierce hater of Corsair, but their Value Select ram is good if you want a 1gb chip, it's approx. $90. Only problem is that the timings suck.

I recommend the PDP Patriot stuff that is 1gb at timings 2-3-2-5. I plan to pick up two of them for $145 a piece when I come into some money. That an a Dell 2005fpw.
(cf)Eclipse said:
1gb is the recommended amount these days. 2gb is typically too costly due to the need for 1gb sticks on a64 (four sticks don't play nice with the memory controller), and 512mb isn't enough ;)
I was under the impression that the new Venice core solved the problems with the memory controller in previous A64’s not running 4 sticks at 1T. Do you know of anyone who is running 4 sticks in their new Venice at 1T? I am curious to see if it works as claimed.
haha, i don't really hate it.. there's just better stuff ;)

as for revE cpu's, it seems to be hit or miss with 4 sticks at 1T.. i haven't seen enough results for a clear deduction though. :(
i have a question on that. i was looking at memory and the processor. the fx chips which are hammer core say on die FSB, and the venice say 1 ghz FSB. are these different? whats the difference between them besides the processor speed?

it depends on how you define FSB.

if it's the speed between the CPU core and Memory Controller, FSB = CPU speed
if it's the speed of the link between the CPU core and Chipset, FSB = HT link speed (typically 1ghz)
A64 chips differ mainly in the cache size and the multipliers available. Later revisions have improved memory controllers, SSE3 support, crap like that.

It sounds like both of the ones you're talking about are just different marketing ways of pointing at the hypertransport link and in general you should disregard that bit as it's the same all around.

As Eclipse mentioned, A64 doesn't have FSB in the sense that Intel chips do, the memory and such runs directly off the CPU because of the on-chip controller. It's frequently used to refer to the HT link as the two are vaguely similar in purpose if not in the way they work and what they actually do.
Well, is there one brand that seems to work better with AMD's? I've heard that both crucial and corsair are good with the AMD's, but I have heard good things about other companies too? If it matters I'm looking into getting a 3200 with the Venice core.
TwinMOS SP or Crucial. Corsair has issues. Patriot's got some nice 1GB modules if you need 2x1GB for some reason.