amd [email protected] - bottleneck for the new 4850 ?


Apr 25, 2008
i wanna wait for the new 4850 but my question is if i reallyy need a new E8400 for ex ...?
i'm now on amd [email protected] and to tell u the true i'm happy - my XP runs realy fast ....
but as we all know games today want more - MUCH MORE

so :
how much bottleneck will i get if i'll get that new shiny 4850 with my RIG
cos i'm planning anyway to move to an 22' LCD next week (gonna play 1600 RES in games )from my 19' CRT and i always play V-SINC on i'll just need anyway a graphic card that will always give me 61+ fps ....

2 more questions :
425 ENERMAX is good from those new ATI ones ?
is there any 1 here with my rig and a 8800GTS 512 that cann tell me how much he got in 3DMARK06 so i'll know how much bottleneck to expect ?

10x all !!
I had a 8800 GTS 512 with a AMD 4200 X2 @ 2.4 GHz and I had a pretty big bottle neck. I was playing at 1280x1024 though. I upgraded to a E8400 and my performance went through the roof.

If you're playing at 1680x1050 you won't notice as big of a bottleneck though. Those higher resolutions are more dependent on the GPU. If I was you I would probably try getting a X2 and overclock it like there is no tomorrow.
a lot of people throw around this 'bottlenecking' term, but i don't think everyone is on the same page when comes to describing what they see. for my part cpu 'bottlenecking' means that at x,y, and z resolutions not only are you getting slower frame rates compared to another cpu, but the frame rates are so out of step that you must lower graphic features to achieve playability.
does your motherboard have PCI-E? or is it still agp? just asking because it is a slightly older cpu and dont want you to get a new card and it not fit without upgrading your mb

and if you have to upgrade your mb you migth as well get a nice new C2D. i love mine they overclock like beasts
yea ...DFI NF4U - pci-E sure....

hmmmm didn't know that actually : so if i play my native 22' resolution (1600..) so most of the power needed will come from my GPU and not the CPU ?

and the 1 with 8800GTS 512 "xBanzai89" much u got at 3DMARK 2006 ?
I'm running an X2 5000 @ 3.0GHz with an 8800GTS and find that it's comparable to a 2.3GHz to 2.4GHz C2D system with an 8800GTS.

It depends how much you want to spend and how much eye candy you need. Though tempted to toss out some money for an E8400 myself, I'm content to keep my current setup for gaming.