Amazon Payments Oddity


Dec 17, 2010
Hey guys...

Just paid for something using Amazon Payments.

I had $50 in my account and payed $105 for something. I was expected it to use the $50 and then put the remainder on my card.

It instead put the full $105 on my card and left the $50 in my account. This is opposite of how paypal works so it surprised me a bit...

Just a heads up.
Right. You have to specify your method of payment on Amazon, I know that much. However, I'm not sure if it's even possible to split the payments like you can with PP.
Right. You have to specify your method of payment on Amazon, I know that much. However, I'm not sure if it's even possible to split the payments like you can with PP.

You can split payments, but you must specify for it to do so prior to submitting, or else it just puts it all on the one that has all the funds!