Amazon Music or Google Music


Limp Gawd
Dec 8, 2006
I have been looking at both Google and Amazon. I am confused as to how they process the songs you upload. Amazon says they will make any song 256kbs... If I upload a higher bit rate does it default to 256kbs? Does both Google and Amazon just scan the file and and use the song in their database. Then when you stream or download the song again it is the Google or Amazon provided file not really your original file? What about tags and metadata. If some are messed up who better corrects them?
*update* Well did some quick testing...Uploaded an album to both services. They were VBR all a little less then 256kbs and one song I included had some small skips to see if those would still be there. Then downloaded it again. Google got rid of the skip so it seems they don't use the same file. All files show 256kb. They must use CBR. Amazon I downloaded again and the skips where still there, but the bit rate was VBR, but had increased for all songs.