All I can say is I love the 2405FPW!!


[H]F Junkie
Dec 29, 2000

Installed this last night and love it. Played several games and they looked great. Upped the resolution as high as the games supported and they look fantastic.

This was definetely a great purchase.

Damn, am I happy now.
Me too Jordan, got mine last night..hooked it up, searched & tested frantically for any dead pixels or backlight bleeding..none..absolutely perfect. Now I just got to get my new pc so I can play games at 1900 res.
same, and i thought there's a dead pixel when i got it, but it's gone this morning....
Yeah I got mine yesterday too, NO Backlighting issues. Just a Dead PIxel right in the middle of th screen getting it replaced but this monitor is awesome... :) :D :D
Congrats all of you, I got mine this past Tuesday and have been dying to post something about getting it, but have been afraid I'd jinx something and it would blow up, :p . But I just saw how happy you all are, and couldn't help myself :eek: Great monitor, and proud to own one.
peacetilence said:
You all must be CAD designers.

I played Ut2004, Counter Strike. No problems to me.. NO ghosting issues that I see maybe im not looking hard enough. or IM just blind.. <---- that was my main concern..
I know, I love the monitor as well. Just read the recent idiotic tomshardware review of it.
rarely do you see someone who actually has this monitor, bashing it. which proves this is a great monitor.
Congrats on the 2405FPW. :cool: Almost everyone (about 99.8%) who purchase the monitor is extremely happy with it. The ones that don't want it for whatever reason simply return it for a full refund, and everyone's happy. ;)

Oh, and that stupid THG article isn't even worth reading. Just another reason to avoid their "reviews" like the plague... :mad:
For y'all with this monitor, what rez are you primarily running your games at? And, with what graphix cards? I have ordered a new system w/dual 7800 gtx cards and am looking to upgrade my monitor.
im at 1920x 1200 on every game that supports it, im on 1 6800 gt and bf2 runs fine. Thinking of getting another 6800 , but you should be fine.
Im running an FX55/BFG7800GTX Counter strike source/Ut2004 @ 1920x1200 and warcraft 3 @ 16x12 this monitor would be perfect if i didnt have this one dead pixel right in the middle of the screen in red.. =(.. =(

How many of you guys have a dead pixel? Am I the only one. And Im really afraid my next replacement might have one. I have bad luck... :(
How does it look if you take it down to 1024x768?
I received mine 2 days ago. Very nice display.
I'm just disapointed by the quality I have with the hd movies you can find on the microsoft website.
I tried for example this one :
I have a big problem with the sky during the helicopter trip. It's just horrible.

Don't know if that's normal, or if I have to change the default settings.
My graphic card card is a quadro 3400, it shouldn't be the problem.

Thanks for your feedback
Jasonx82 said:
Im running an FX55/BFG7800GTX Counter strike source/Ut2004 @ 1920x1200 and warcraft 3 @ 16x12 this monitor would be perfect if i didnt have this one dead pixel right in the middle of the screen in red.. =(.. =(

How many of you guys have a dead pixel? Am I the only one. And Im really afraid my next replacement might have one. I have bad luck... :(
I know there is a way to play Warcraft 3 at 1920x1200, I have a buddy who did it with his 2005FP...

oh, you probably know how and know it streches if that is why you are running it like that aren't you.

if not,

Two registry keys you have to edit: (as always, don't touch the registry if you don't know what you're doing!!!)


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III\Video then

reswidth = xxxx and

resheight = yyyy change xxxx and yyyy to whatever your screen width and height are (eg: xxxx=1680 yyyy=1050, etc)
you can change the cinematic res, too, but I didn't see the point.
nerual said:
I received mine 2 days ago. Very nice display.
I'm just disapointed by the quality I have with the hd movies you can find on the microsoft website.
I tried for example this one :
I have a big problem with the sky during the helicopter trip. It's just horrible.

Don't know if that's normal, or if I have to change the default settings.
My graphic card card is a quadro 3400, it shouldn't be the problem.

Thanks for your feedback

What exactly is the problem that you're having? I just dl'ed the clip and notice some compression artifacts in the earlier underwater sequences but don't notice anything really outstanding with the helicopter sequence. Everything else looks pretty good. All I can say is that some HD movies have much higher quality than others. The HD T2 trailer looks like crap to me personally but I think others look much better.
Jasonx82 said:
Honesty IMO like poop.. :)

are u serious? im very close to getting one, put my 6600GT will NOT be able to play HL2 and BF2 at high with respectible framerates like my CRT monitor......... is it really that bad?
Ya I'm thinking about getting one for my all around TV,COMP setup. What about playing it a 1286x760 or whatever that resolution is. I've been real concerned on how these thing play games on a such a big screen.
lxuan1 said:
same, and i thought there's a dead pixel when i got it, but it's gone this morning....

I think that happens to a lot of us, and it usually turns out to be a dust spec. :D
pincho said:
are u serious? im very close to getting one, put my 6600GT will NOT be able to play HL2 and BF2 at high with respectible framerates like my CRT monitor......... is it really that bad?

Well I guess if you never played 1920x1200 then you wont know the difference.. So it will look fine.. (till you upgrade ur videocard) :D

I cant Believe I love this monitor so much... I was so sure of myself I was gonna sell it and keep my CRT. (Even Though I have a dead PIxel this monitor Rocks.. Just cant wait till i get a perfect one omg!!!) I need to celebrate, My PC needs a Overhaul... :D
Jasonx82 said:
Well I guess if you never played 1920x1200 then you wont know the difference.. So it will look fine.. (till you upgrade ur videocard) :D

I cant Believe I love this monitor so much... I was so sure of myself I was gonna sell it and keep my CRT. (Even Though I have a dead PIxel this monitor Rocks.. Just cant wait till i get a perfect one omg!!!) I need to celebrate, My PC needs a Overhaul... :D

:eek: phewww

cause i upped the resolution on my computer to about 12x10 or something, and its quite laggy on HL2, so ur saying ill have the sam experience as i am right now, only widescreen?? then when i upgrade ill have an even better experience? :D also hows it look with first person shooters, and also, ur pc needs and overhaul, in which aspect???? its like the best out atm hehe EDIT: if possible can u post a photo at 1024x768 please? thanks
peacetilence said:
I know, I love the monitor as well. Just read the recent idiotic tomshardware review of it.

As much as I feel like a tool for saying so that review had me shaking my mouse during empty moments of firefights for blurring. :p I'd have to revert back to a crt to say for sure... i suspect i would find a difference, but I should stay in bliss with out the over examining eye. If you told me I might miss some CRT things but still come away with a positive experience I would have doubted it. But this monitor is indeed braking my scepticism.
pincho said:
are u serious? im very close to getting one, put my 6600GT will NOT be able to play HL2 and BF2 at high with respectible framerates like my CRT monitor......... is it really that bad?

Definitely have to stay on top of the graphics game with a moniotr this size. You might be understimating the size of this screen and it's effect on resolution. It does a good job of stretching, but even a 1600*1200 image is strectched almost a good 20% horizontally to 1920*1200. I vote 6800Gt/x800XL class. Not to scare you, I wouldnt want you totally deterred it will work OK... but you'll want something with more oomph for the long haul. I was definitely a person to buy power graphics before I made the jump.
texuspete00 said:
Definitely have to stay on top of the graphics game with a moniotr this size. You might be understimating the size of this screen and it's effect on resolution. It does a good job of stretching, but even a 1600*1200 image is strectched almost a good 20% horizontally to 1920*1200. I vote 6800Gt/x800XL class. Not to scare you, I wouldnt want you totally deterred it will work OK... but you'll want something with more oomph for the long haul. I was definitely a person to buy power graphics before I made the jump.

its been 4 months since i bought the 6600GT :( i only have the money for the 2405FPW, i plan to upgrade second half next year......

*runs to his room, locks his door and cries*
pincho said:
:eek: phewww

cause i upped the resolution on my computer to about 12x10 or something, and its quite laggy on HL2, so ur saying ill have the sam experience as i am right now, only widescreen?? then when i upgrade ill have an even better experience? :D also hows it look with first person shooters, and also, ur pc needs and overhaul, in which aspect???? its like the best out atm hehe EDIT: if possible can u post a photo at 1024x768 please? thanks

I would like a second 7800GTX and a FX-57... :D

Oh yeah and a New 2405FPW without the Red stuck pixel...
peacetilence said:
What exactly is the problem that you're having? I just dl'ed the clip and notice some compression artifacts in the earlier underwater sequences but don't notice anything really outstanding with the helicopter sequence. Everything else looks pretty good. All I can say is that some HD movies have much higher quality than others. The HD T2 trailer looks like crap to me personally but I think others look much better.

Thanks a lot for taking time to test the video. Happy to know that it's not a normal pb.
My problem is that the colour gradation in the sky is very limited with only 2 colors.
I have my video card set to 32bit color, so I don't understand why I have this pb.
If you have an idea ?

ati 9800 aiw (someone in ATI bought this for me @ employee price 2 years ago. CA$350 at that time)
battlefield 2 @ 1600x1200, no aa/af, everything set to medium.
lxuan1 said:
ati 9800 aiw (someone in ATI bought this for me @ employee price 2 years ago. CA$350 at that time)
battlefield 2 @ 1600x1200, no aa/af, everything set to medium.

on a 2405FPW and it looks good with smooth framerates? if so, sweet...
nerual said:
Thanks a lot for taking time to test the video. Happy to know that it's not a normal pb.
My problem is that the colour gradation in the sky is very limited with only 2 colors.
I have my video card set to 32bit color, so I don't understand why I have this pb.
If you have an idea ?


does the rest of your desktop look okay? look at this color swatch

does it look smooth or graduated?
Im About to Order a Replacement 2405fpw, What do you guys think will happen 1. Another Dead Pixel 2. Perfect and Ill be Happy 3. Another sort of problem.. :confused: :)
Odds are 2, but you have to take the Law of Universal Perversity into account.
ashmedai said:
Odds are 2, but you have to take the Law of Universal Perversity into account.

Is there a way I Can ask them to send me two @ one time.. LOL I wouldnt mind them holding a credit charge of 2 until I send one back.. :p
You can't make a thread saying you love something cool without pictures of it. It is against the code of conduct for the hardforum.
pincho said:
on a 2405FPW and it looks good with smooth framerates? if so, sweet...


btw i also set the 3D video mode to performance, not quality....