Alienware M14x R1 {} ends Sun Aug19-10:20est {} Start $600/


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
I didn't even see this forum until today so i figured i would advertise my auction also.
Its ending today but I figured what the hell.

Alienware r1 m14x refurb. runs great,looks great----Item number: 170897169911
I have repasted this lappy and upgraded the ram to 8gigs.
Built a Clevo W110er and put the M14 on the side and now I have much Wife agro.:(

Any questions,photos, anything hit me up here or there..:D
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Why would you post this without a link? Or even an item number?
because it was 830 in the morning and i was lacking coffee.:eek:
And I was slightly distracted. My AC had been broken since 1030pm the night before.
I was a sleepy sweaty mess

harmattan-Yes 1st revision

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