Alcohol 120 and Windows x64


May 14, 2003
Ok, I've installed Windows XP 64 and doesn't look like any of the version of Alcohol 120 will install on it. Does anyone know if they have a working version that will work?

If not, what is another program that will do basically the same thing that Alcohol does...mainly mounting images and burning?

serbiaNem said:
Grrr, I thought they finally released and x64 part.. try filedisk..

I checked on Alcohols web site and they state they do not at this time support x64 :(
DarkCyber said:
I checked on Alcohols web site and they state they do not at this time support x64 :(
That's what people should be doing *before* making the switch to x64 XP.
djnes said:
That's what people should be doing *before* making the switch to x64 XP.

Oh, I checked out everything before I installed. There is even a Windows x64 compatibility page that covers all hardware and software that works with it. I just didn't know if someone knew something different. Like a new version for x64 was just release or would be in a day or two. So, I knew ahead of time everything that would and wouldn't work. I just had 1 piece of hardware that I wanted (not critical) to work that didn't. And that is the only reason I went back to XP regular. But x64 is much faster on my 4400+ cpu...very fast.
GameDad said:
you might try:

it is a great image mounting tool, and they just released version 4.00

Unfortunately Daemon Tools does not have a 64bit compatible version available yet. It was promised, along with several other things, but instead they decided to release a D-Tools 4.00 that is lacking half or more of the promised features.