Aim on RC2 5744


Aug 9, 2006
Just installed Vista RC2 5744, and now neither AIM 5.9 or Triton works. 5.9 will install, but nothing happens when I try to load it. Not too big a deal, I can always boot XP again, but this stops me from switching most of my doings over to Vista.

Anyone else have this problem? any solutions?
DarkS1d3 said:
Just installed Vista RC2 5744, and now neither AIM 5.9 or Triton works. 5.9 will install, but nothing happens when I try to load it. Not too big a deal, I can always boot XP again, but this stops me from switching most of my doings over to Vista.

Anyone else have this problem? any solutions?

Have you tried gAIM?
Try Miranda-IM, I like it better than GAIM, it's lighter and, ffs gaim has been in beta 2.0 for ages.. looks a bit dead
Tylerdurdened said:
Try Miranda-IM, I like it better than GAIM, it's lighter and, ffs gaim has been in beta 2.0 for ages.. looks a bit dead
you can only use one aim sn at a time with miranda, i dont like that
freeofparanoia said:
you can only use one aim sn at a time with miranda, i dont like that
Is this a problem because you often converse with yourself?
hey thanks alot guys, gAIM worked like a charm, but now Avast! AV only works passively and ZoneAlarm won't at all.. I thought compatibility problems were supposed to be fixed?