Aero glass for non-aero programs.


Jan 1, 2003
There's a script over at auto-it forums (auto-it is a script language for windows) that allows you to enable Aero glass effects on programs that usually don't have it. It's at:

Right now it works on cmd.exe, powershell.exe, and a program called notepad2.exe which is basically just a simple text editor like Notepad. The reason it only works on those programs is because there are some limitation; you must be able to change the colors to white text on a black background, and some programs use the wrong icons/api so their icons look washed out, cmd.exe, powershell.exe and notepad2.exe work and the script enables aero glass in them, however. A more thorough explanation can be found by reading the whole thread linked above. Highly recommended. Screenshot: (btw, you can't have 'glowing text' so to compensate you should use a darker color intensity in windows aero settings)
Not sure why you would want that. Yeah it looks neat but when I'm typing I want a solid colored background.
Thanks for bringing this to out attention, but as the others have said, I don't see this being practical. Only works on certain programs and makes working with said program even harder. But, seeing as how "Average Joe/Jane" love eye candy on their desktops, I can see this being a glance into the future OS GUIs.
Well, to each his own I guess. I thought it was cool. Also a lot of people run programs with transparency hacks/options, and aero glass is much better than regular transparency I think, since the background text really looks like its in the background. but whatever, just a headsup to anyone who might like it.