Advice on this server.


Nov 29, 2004
SuperMicro Super 370DLR 2U Rackmount Server Dual P3 800MHz w/ 1.5GB RAM, 36GB Hard Drive & CD ROM

How much should i pay for this? j/w
I was looking at some dual P3s on ebay around 1gig CPUs and 1 gig of ram for between $700-$1000
oh my.... My next door neighboor is moving back to Hamburg and is selling is stuff.... I asked how much he said 300.... SO i guess I will RUn over there right now. -thx...
Very good deal. Go for it.
I just sold a pair of identical P3's from a server on ebay for $150.
I just bought a N440BX + CASE, P/S, and misc cables for $25 @ "computer recyclers" (at a computer fair) and a pair of p3 500s off ebay for $42 shipped :D
Granted, I don't know if the machine even runs, but I will when the processors get here.
FYI, your getting a better machine, mine only "supports" 100fsb.