Advice on setting up permissions needed.


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008
I am attemping to set up a shared folder where users can create folders and have full control of the folder, sub folders and files. Clients are on Win7 and must not be able to access other users folders. Administrators must also have control. Shared permissions is Everyone - Full Control (for testing purposes).

Current permissions on the shared folder:

"Rootfolder" Unchecked Inherit - Removed explicit

Administrators - Full Control - This folder, subfolders and files
Creator Owner - Full Control - Subfolders and files
System - Full Control - This folder, subfolders and files
Users - Create Folder - List - This folder only

Users are successfully able to create folders in the shared folder. The owner is being set to the username, however, it is being applied as "This folder only". If an Administrator creates a file for the user inside the users created folder, the permission is being set as the Administrator is the owner of that file, which makes the file unreadable by the user.

I would like the users created folder to be "This folder, subfolders and files". Is this possible?