Advanced File Recovery Freeware

Aug 1, 2010
Hi guys:

Looking for a really advanced file recovery / forensic free software that will enable me to recover files after a DBan autonuke DoD 3-pass reformat.

You will not find anything free to recover a file after that kind of format
The only way to get it is to go to a full time shop that does that stuff and even then it may not be recoverable. You defiantly won't find it for free. I suspect most shops have proprietary software for that stuff.
You can't just use software to recover data after a 3 pass wipe, you actually need to take the disk apart and mount it in specialized hardware with depth control on the magnetic field read head.

Not a cheap undertaking. Hence, typically only done by governements for truly imporant data...

Kinda the point of a secure wipe. If it was wiped with 7 passes, not even that will get it back...