ADSL won't pass Layer 3; Covad has no idea what they're doing... help!


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002

I need some help... I got connected with Covad's ADSL last week and to this day it hasn't worked. First, they said it was a lot of noise on the line. Then, they did something and the noise was cleared. Now, I'm passing Layers 1 and 2 (which they say are PHYSICAL layers), but it won't pass Layer 3 (Authentication).

I triple-checked the username and password with them. I tried using both THEIR bridge/router (ADSL modem/router by BroadXent) and a 2-month old Westell bridge (ADSL modem from Verizon) and both are the same thing... the DSL light starts blinking, then faster, then stays solid (which is supposed to happen). But, once it comes to connecting to the PPPoE server, it can't do it.

In WinXP, it gives me an error and tries to redial in 60 seconds... in their BroadXent router, the light goes on but it can't connect. Using the Westell ADSL modem and a Linksys router, the Linky says CONNECTING then says 'cannot connect' after about 30 seconds.

I went to the NID box (Network Interface Device) where all the telephone lines come in... I tried hooking up the 2 modems in there, but still to no avail... the DSL light goes on and remains solid, but it won't connect to the PPPoE.

They're telling me to reset router to factory settings (which I did 3x) and power off/on the router (which I did 10000x). Then, they said they will send me a new BroadXent router in the next few days... this sucks!

Any ideas??? I love everything about Covad, except their price... their ADSL is amazing 1500/384, their service agreement, CSR's, etc., etc., etc. The price is a bit steep, but if the DSL is there to make you more money and save you time... it pays for itself in no time.

Anyways... any ideas??? It'll be much appreciated...
I don't think a new modem will help, Try getting rasPPPoE and putting that in... don't remeber if it supports XP but give it a try. There might be several services on your line and you are not connecting to the right one therefor your Username and passwrod is incorrect. If the DSL is comming over someone local telco's line it might be possible that you are connected to their DSL and not covad's The sounds like a autheintication issue and not a Hardware issue.

BTW I thought Covad didn't use PPPoE? If you are technically inclined you can grab ethereal and sniff as you connect. I have found intresting things as I have done this, most of all you'll find what service you are connected (or really the service/server name).
Hmmm, curious, have you checked to make the VPI/VCI settings are correct in the modem? If they aren't correct, you'll still sync up, but wont pass data over the line. So, PPPoE won't work in that event.
Thanks for the input guys... I'm gonna try again later today and I'll let you know what's going on.
