Adobe is the savior of Microsoft/Intel/AMD/misc


Oct 28, 2009
Adobe is the savior of Microsoft/Intel/AMD/misc

1. Luckily Adobe has not been able to release Flash 10.1 or even Flash 11 for Linux/ARM/Mac or whatever.

Think about the consequences..

1. If Adobe is able to release the hardware-optimized Flash 10.1 for non-Windows platforms early as promised, ARM tablets would have flooded the markets by now, (marketing-wise that's what Atom-JooJoo is trying to do, ride on the new wave generated by Apple iPad.)

2. Due to non-availability of Flash 10.1, ARM/Atom Linux tablet vendors cannot catch this golden oppurtunity because there's a hole in their markting plan. So when Windows 7 Touch looks unlikely to shake down iPad's march to new territory, during this void, ARM/Atom Linux was stalled by Adobe. I should say they have chosen their own paths..

3. And thanks to this critical situation, Atom-JooJoo got laughed off the market, even by Adobe itself.

So by this very event,

4. Microsoft got extended time to deduce the next course of action

5. Intel/AMD got themselves critical time to get their power-optimized solutions in place to get them into position for design consideration.

6. The helpless small vendors, lacking enough money/industrial-coverage, indirect complication from nvidia, software expertise, sunk-into waiting game while all the mega-corp reevaluate-realign their positions.

7. It is very difficult to beat mega-corp when you want to buy NAND-Flash/LCD-Screen and stuffs like that when you do not have economic of scale.

8. The only advantage is quick to market, fast mover. Look at OCZ/Corsair and other smaller SSD vendors trying to swim in the market. try to have reasonable good product, making furious pace, riding on laser-edge tech advance and good publicity, enthusiast spirit to create a foothold. there tends to be slight setbacks, as long as manage it properly, you have a chance.

9. Thanks to Adobe hardware-optimized Flash 10.1, none can ship. When it is finally ready, you bet all the major players will be ready, then you try to count your chances....

10. Side note : Read : Action is lauder than mouth-piece. Google indicates it is not going to wait eternally for all things to fall in order and intends to kick in motion E-Store for out of print books.

In summary, Adobe is the savior of all the relevant parties.

and yes : Apple you should thank Adobe as well, fairness to all parties that help you directly or indirectly

Additional notes: Yes this will give iPad initial advantage, but since iPad is a premium product, market should be small, unless the active shipment figure explodes...thus forcing a secondary counter-offense.
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While its an interesting argument, I don't think its true. Adobe stands to suffer the most from all the delays. They could have made Apple look really silly by releasing flash for mobile devices by now.
As a new market is forming with a lot of attention from the consumer, (for small vendors) it is very important to position and ride on the good will of Apple, don't laugh

1. It is a new category

2. Apple has done the 1st wave hardwork by telling consumer this is more than E-Reader and less than full laptop. You save your marketing effort as most seen Apple's message

3. The general consumer interest is rising steadily.

4. Apple only targets the Premium market for now. There's no harm to anybody if certain consumer segments prefer cheaper options after evaluating 1st wave iPad. The smaller vendors with available products perhap get a chance to show of something to the consumer for immediate consideration.

5. In that case, the initial market will quickly expand. With the right software mix, it may blossom to new market mover

However, since none can ship for long time

6. A very good 1st mover build superior base forming critical mass. (capturing all the initial second-guessing groups that may go either way) Then several months or 1 year later, "one more thing..." :)

When Adobe finally ships

7. All the main players will compete together with the small vendors. Marketing will be wider, but competitive pressure will be even greater because big players compete across all segments, from Premium down to value. In addition, all the relevant non-tablet products will also take this time to evolve to negate or minimize 3rd party tablets' appeal to protect its market, further diluting small vendors' chances of getting grip on the opening new market.
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Since FF 3.6.4 was released, I never realized until now how basically all of my FF crashes are because of Flash.
you will read many counter-arguments, they do not think this is correct, its lousy logic, sour grapes, misc...

that itself does not dispute much from the current situation

1. Please don't tell us all the mega-corps were not aware of prior iPad development and impending release.

2. Like all intelligent organizations, these billions-dollar mega-corps are there due to something, at the minimum, they are not stupid.

3. Especially the decades old venture capital firms funding all the startups. Please do not tell us they cannot spot opportunity or fail to apprehend the situation, that's just lousy.

What they do understand,

1. Prior to iPad, Touch-Screen tablet is a category with some sales, but not a market shaker.

2. None of them are willing to go big on their own. (why?) You must purchase touch-screen LCD, and other relevant tech items to form a new products. Without volume, manufacturers will demand higher price. Existing tablet market does not have enough projection to convince the VC and mega-corps to lay out the funds for aggressive deployment.

3. So Apple iPad is a golden oppurtunity for alternative vendors.

4. Due to Apple, manufacturers engaged resources/capacity to address requests as Apple is a Premium-type that generates all kind of positive impacts, and at that time only Apple is willing and capable of laying resources/technicality to push leading-edge mass market tablet tech expansion when others are basically in holding pattern, wait and see. In the process, excess capacity now available to 3rd parties, perhaps at lower cost.

5. Due to Apple's unexplained charisma, consumer market now engaged with anticipation. This is the alternatives best time since all segments are wide open. Apple generally has no fear since itself will ensure it addresses all the necessary issues catering to its premium audience (Apple's tradition), alternatives can also ride on the wave to reach new void...

6. However, most of the alternatives also understand they are not going to exert superior software/user-experience control/marketing gimmicks against Apple for now, so in general they all hatch similar plan of playing the Adobe Flash card.

7. However, since many alternatives do not have enough money, they cannot do things on their own, that immediately drop them into dependency on 3 enterprises, Adobe Flash (since all these tablets try to be media focus), Microsoft Software, and x86 hardware. Why I did not list ARM because traditionally all those ARM designs have big professional firms behind them to do all kinds of specialty development, example, look at all the ARM SmartPhone vendors. So some alternatives with less money, I think but not sure, usually starts with x86 / Linux combinations due to many considerations. The salvation here is due to Google providing Android, thus openning ARM to a lot more potentials.

So in summary, fairness to all parties, the alternatives have chosen their own paths and thus need to deal with it.

I believe, if someone is able to push something out NOW or soon, learned from the SSD vendors, they will get things moving, if the shipment exploded, the stonewalling by Adobe will collapse, this will indirectly post the issue back to Adobe, you want a new world or you want to keep pace with up-to-date Flash developments. If Adobe responded well, good. If still dreaded long silence, atleast for small vendors, you weight your chance. (I am assuming 3rd parties have good/spirited services and commitment. If they are on product sold/service disappeared kind of arrangement, then yeah I agree consumer is better with iPad or wait for all the tablets from major players down the road)

My view is slightly subdue because unfortunately Adobe is only one issue, OS reliance and Nvidia complication do not help.

So in the end, yeah, many reasons why most cannot ship products, to be fair to Adobe, other problems in addition to Flash

Edit : my apology to Peteman100 in case of confusion. This post is not a response to him. I do try to give reasonable response for normal discussion. The background of this post -- I browse other sites and was fast thinking/typing a follow-up post.
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To ARM :

1. ARM Tablet is Immediately Critical NOW or ASAP, especially for small vendors as market is still being formed.

2. ARM SmartBook (no-touch-screen), for now can sell to bleading edge tech-users and/or advanced prosumer, if you can handle software and customer support major concern (I readily admit maybe new entrants have problems in this area, unless they learned the tricks from smaller-size SSD vendors) I kinda agree currently it maybe a gray area and tough-sell between ARM/ATOM netbook/smartbook competition unless SmartBook < USD200

3. The difference is MultiTouch consumer mass-market device with captivating experience, therefore a tablet will be more attractive than standard laptop.

Focus on the objective...

1. If low-mid-cost mass-market consumer tablet computing market established, it will trigger changes across the entire client computing space, and the enterprise adaptation is only a matter of time...

2. Since tablets are mostly low-power devices, it will trigger server-cloud-dependent computing, where x86 will benefit as well since most backends are x86-based. (I supposed new x86 servers are all actively engaged in performance/watt exercises)

How will this benefits the Earth

1. Low power computing reduces your energy demand and the indirect support infrastructure consumption, multiply by 189 countries, you get the picture.

2. Contribute your part, make Earth a better place.
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Contribution from anonymous to keep Intel/AMD cheerful and looking forward everyday to new Sunshine...

1. all the low power tablets may not have enough computing for specialty tasks...
2. it may not be sensible to try to upgrade everythings to faster due to battery constraint

and now you realized ! ....

you know we are coming back to where we begin ...

OpenCL / Direct Compute / CUDA ....

Desktop OpenCL service depot exporting firepower...

Wired/wireless CL services linking

Hybrid desktop / mobile OpenCL Service Integration, OpenCL on the go ...

Core OpenCL service network routing ....

Dynamic OpenCL service balancer .. Constraint-based Optimization (so that those CS/Eng/Math new graduates can participate in the next technical phase..)

Lot of on-demand computing requests so that those zillion-cores Xeon/Opteron and hundreds or thousands shaders GPU have something to do [maybe nVidia rejoice, you are back into the game with a new plan, somebody says he made a mistake by asking me to buy several bumpgate products (indeed some failed), so this is his LAST contirbution per nVidia suggestion)] irrespective of outcome he is done with nVidia.. OK ,maybe for now.

Welcome to the Borg, resistance is futile, change is inevitable, join us, or prepared to be assimilated...

Edit : comments we read from somewhere, use your intelligent mind to evaluate, don't let us think for you :)
Edit : don't worry : good bye..
please don't treat this post too seriously...
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Is there like, oh, maybe a well thought out, concisely stated version of this somewhere? In english preferably ?? I find it hard to understand, and to be honest I dont take peoples opinions too seriously when theyre too busy to even type in complete sentences along with all the other stuff that encompasses a grammatically correct sentence.

And I disagree. Adobe could fall off the planet tomorrow and Intel, AMD and Microsoft would still be here I assure you.
Dear Jay...

Somebody taught me many years ago .....

If you have the understanding, no matter how blurry it is, you will have true vision...

Otherwise, irrespective of how clear it is, you may not understand it ...


Sometimes, what's important connot be seen by eyes, sometimes...


Not to please you or anybody, for your information, I really have not mastered them yet ...I think that's why this is a discussion forum as some members recently argued, Opinions or Facts? Let the nature take it's course...

Finally, my apology, I am not a native English speaker, I believe pretty evident...and I have not practiced much these joke..
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I spent some times reading various sites.

My observation.
1. Microsoft users, you do not need to feel concerned
2. There will be a space for Windows 7 Slate.

iPad + Android + WebOS --> also lift Windows 7 Tablet

The biggest issue with tablet

1. Because previously (i presume currently as well) a niche market.
2. Basic marketing practice, relatively minor revenue, need to jack-up the price to compensate you effort.

If tablets become mainstream, sooner or later all relevant components cost will come down.

Marketing concept accepted, consumers know the difference.

volume reaches new level.

Then Windows 7 Tablet product will also reach more acceptable costs and receptive to bigger group of users.

Some of them will appreciate the additional functionalities not found in other options. I do, even though I also appreciate other offering as well. problem is I just don't have enough money to buy everything :)

Forum member heatlesssun can give many good examples about Windows 7 tablet
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Dear forum members,

In seven days.

1. Apple vindicated their points with Adobe Public Flash Demo crash.

2. Adobe vindicated their point by having a "Butter Smooth Flash" running on Android 2.2

3. Adobe came back from loser image under attack to a vibrant team to chunk an impressive fightback

4. ARM now knows Adobe can really work to get the job done.

5. HPalm will push Palm Pre Out May 16, WebOS tablet by Q3, to the joy of many.

6. Previously difficult, Intel promises ULV i3/i5/i7 real soon now.

7. All the big companies will have products to meet the users' desire soon.

8. Now every able buyers is aware of the must see "Apple iPad", plus Apple will now ensure it gets out the door ASAP everywhere to meet their demands. Look at all the shipping announcement.

9. Every vendors waiting on Flash, you now have full confidence with Adobe capability, the only question how to make sure Adobe replicate the experience to your device/s. Act quick.

10. Intel/AMD know these tablets have to come back to x86 and all the future complication CPU/GPU/APU/Misc making current things seem like entry-level stuff. In fact I am pretty confident there's a place for x86 tablet.

11. OK, I left out Microsoft, I will think out a special plan for Microsoft/Intel/AMD. You do not need to worry as it is equally big if not bigger than what we already envisioned. But based on all the pieces seen over the few days, seems they have tons of stuffs ongoing..(Edit : some ask me to clarify, I assure you every information in these posts obtained by collecting info from various websites, or else deduce based on current technologies/trends, you just have to watch enough SCI-FI. And NO, I do not have any secret plan, most of the things already seen, just scale/apply different area.)

12. Foundry/Component makers get chance to earn even more orders..

13. IT/Engineering/Math/Marketing/Social/whatever new graduates get chance to participate in forwarding society progress. I hope they also don't forget Liberal Arts and Sciences courses dueling with many aspects of our society and civilization. Please spend more good quality time with actual human being instead of avatar. And yes Protect the Earth. My apology for taking a small timeout to say irrespective of the amount, every bit of Energy you save is a contribution to your environment. One step at a time.

14. I am using Fedora, you know the rest of the speech, OK, in the spirit of OSS, Redhat/Novell/Ubuntu/Debian/too numerous to lists Linux distros/FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/DragonFlyBSD/misc.

15. Special message for Apple, when I was much younger, I spent my meager salary buying one-copy of NeXTSTEP 3.3 for x86. I never got into the thing due to lack of talent. I am just going to ask, do I get a chance for being loyal over these years and get some discount if I need to purchase Apple product? If yes, I will try to digg out the item

16. Finally the the consumers,

You get a chance to spent your hard earned money in making sure it meets your need, society can progress, and in the process, helping a lot of people to earn a living. Whether it is useful or economical you will decide, There's no guarantee though. I just want to make sure you feel happy after contributing your share to humanity. (just make sure those corporates perform their social duties, respect your right for privacy, protect the environment. so many things, well, I dont want to push it, many great people have come and gone, spent some times READING about history/culture/philosophy/humanity, please not only read yours/try to understand others, Grace and Compassion,.Ok this is too long...

Good Bye

Edit : In fairness to members with counter opinion. My apology. I was wrong in my previous posts.
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