Administration Moves Forward with Internet ID Plan

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The administration is moving ahead with its controversial internet ID plan. All in favor, raise your hand.

The Obama administration said today that it's moving ahead with a plan for broad adoption of Internet IDs despite concerns about identity centralization, and hopes to fund pilot projects next year.
And national ID information is accedenly leaked, hacked, stolen, lost, in 3..2..1..
I don't get it, this is coming from the Pres who said his toys need to be upgraded in the Whitehouse. Please give the pres some of this Big Brother is Watching You money, and post pone this idea indefinitely.
This has to be the dumbest idea (or close to it) that he's had yet...

Obama = Bush 2.0
"which they said would be led by the private sector and not be required for Americans who use the Internet."

Even with that it sounds like a terribad idea.
"Unites States of America"? do they still have that thing? I heard it was broke.
This is up there on the list of bad ideas the previous administration's implementation of WiFi readable passports. Hopefully this idea doesn't get the full traction that the previous had.
<tinfoilhat>Considering some of his administrators are former RIAA lawyers, I wonder what sort of "accidental" access the RIAA will get when this gets implemented.</tinfoilhat>

At least it's optional. Nobody's forced into it.

<tinfoilhat part duex>However my greatest fear is that some things will become inaccessible to those who opt out of this plan, seeing how Microsoft and IBM are participants. Want to authenticate and activate Windows 8? You must sign up for Internet ID.</tinfoilhat>
Of course it would be optional, to start!
Always starts off innocent enough and than bam.
I just wish they would come out with computer ID cards.. Ever computer has a slot... Every person is required to pass basic computer literacy tests to be given a card. Repeatedly do stupid stuff on the computer and your card gets revoked and you are required to take more courses which you have to pay for to get your card reinstated.
Try to use a computer with a revoked card or without a card, a robotic hand comes out from behind the monitor and slaps you in the face while the computer starts yelling rape, etc.

Keep the id10ts off of the computers please.
the liberal fascists are at it again. :mad: They are starting to get really annoying.
Bad idea.

No other words are needed besides "Lack of Research" which would be my answer when someone asks me "why?" in an obvious ignorant manner. :D
"which they said would be led by the private sector and not be required for Americans who use the Internet."

Even with that it sounds like a terribad idea.

Just like they when they passed the first seat belt law out here in California.
Quote: "The police will only be able to give you a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt if you are pulled over for something else."
Now we have "seat belt enforcement drives" where the police go out and specifically pull people people over to give them expensive tickets for not wearing seatbelts.
Now we have "seat belt enforcement drives" where the police go out and specifically pull people people over to give them expensive tickets for not wearing seatbelts.
But that is something completely different.

I just think it's a bad idea because once a trusted account is compromised, the lower ones will fall even easier. I use many different passwords now and none have anything to do with personal information. An Internet ID would be a step back for me.
But that is something completely different.

I just think it's a bad idea because once a trusted account is compromised, the lower ones will fall even easier. I use many different passwords now and none have anything to do with personal information. An Internet ID would be a step back for me.

I'm pretty sure the analogy about the initial implementation is the same, no?
Change was promised, change has been one ever promised it would be "Good" change.

Ugh, crap like this makes me want to live in this country less and less everyday.
the liberal fascists are at it again. :mad: They are starting to get really annoying.

This type of stupidity is hardly limited to "the liberal fascists." The "bible-thumping conservatives" had their share of liberty usurping brain farts that they brought to fruition.

The sooner people realize this has nothing to do with either pathetic party and is a general assault on our rights, no matter what your ideology might be, the better we'll be off.
One step closer to a microchip in everyone's hand to prove identity through an RFID interface.
It will have more holes than swiss cheese. #whatcouldpossiblygowrong
This type of stupidity is hardly limited to "the liberal fascists." The "bible-thumping conservatives" had their share of liberty usurping brain farts that they brought to fruition.

The sooner people realize this has nothing to do with either pathetic party and is a general assault on our rights, no matter what your ideology might be, the better we'll be off.

I agree completely. I have no problems with religion even though I am not religious, but assholes trying to use the bible for their own fucked up version of the world is just as bad.
If it is not required for Americans who use the Internet" then what is the point of doing it in the first place?
This type of stupidity is hardly limited to "the liberal fascists." The "bible-thumping conservatives" had their share of liberty usurping brain farts that they brought to fruition.

The sooner people realize this has nothing to do with either pathetic party and is a general assault on our rights, no matter what your ideology might be, the better we'll be off.

This is not the American Ideal my Father, Grand-Father and thier Fathers fought for. This is actually what they fought against. I can see it now, owning a computer will eventually require a license, just like a handguns, because some id10T thinks they are as dangerious.
This is not the American Ideal my Father, Grand-Father and thier Fathers fought for. This is actually what they fought against. I can see it now, owning a computer will eventually require a license, just like a handguns, because some id10T thinks they are as dangerious.

"Right to bear arms" was put in the Constitution so the people could fight a corrupt or tyrannical government, not to fight each other. So when are the American people going to realize the power the Constitution gave them. Only a corrupt politician would convince you not to do and use the Constitution for what it was designed for. Wake up America and smell the coffee before its to late. You would have the backing of many of your northern friends. Because this kind of crap is spilling over here, only difference here is we don't have a Constitution that says we can legally protect our selves from the government, so up here it would be called a revolution. In the Great US of A you would not be breaking the law because the Constitution gives you the right to get rid of a corrupt or tyrannical government. Something I noticed over the years the more a country becomes capitalistic the more the people rights and freedoms disappear. I don't want to get into a shouting match, just go back to around Richard Nixon's presidency and move forward in time and see the changes for yourself. Especially during Richard Nixon and the Watergate affair.
"Unites States of America"? do they still have that thing? I heard it was broke.

Land of the free? Not anymore, shit, as soon as you post anything against the way our president acts or against the government now you're going to get a ticket in the mail or something if they add this in.